Complementary approaches to anemia

Complementary approaches to anemia


Therapeutic touch.

Chinese Pharmacopoeia.


 Therapeutic touch. Only one randomized clinical trial has been published on this subject2. In this trial, involving 92 students with anemia, subjects in the experimental group received 3 therapeutic touch treatments lasting 15 to 20 minutes, 3 days apart. Subjects in the placebo group received treatments simulating therapeutic touch movements at the same frequency and subjects in the control group received no intervention. The results indicate an increase in hemoglobin and hematocrit levels in both the experimental group and those in the placebo group, unlike the control group. However, the increase in hemoglobin levels was greater in the therapeutic touch group than in the placebo group.

 Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Various decoctions which serve to tone the Kidneys and regenerate the Blood are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat anemia. Traditionally, Chinese doctors also use cordyceps and velvet antler, a velvety substance that coats the plumes of red deer and elk.

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