Complement of free choice of childcare

Complement of free choice of childcare or CMG is a financial aid paid by CAF. It allows children under the age of 6 to be looked after by an approved maternal assistant, home care, an association or a micro-crèche, to offset the cost of childcare. In this case, you have the right to specific services from CAF.



If you are in a relationship, you must both work, be students or earn the RSA and be looking for a professional activity. If you are alone, you have to work, be a student or earn the RSA.

If you use a maternal assistant, she must be approved by the maternal and child protection services (PMI). His gross remuneration must not exceed € 51,25 per day and per child cared for (amounts January 2021). Your child must be under 6 years old.

If you have recourse to an association or a company that employs a childminder, a person at home, or a micro-crèche, you can benefit from this free choice of childcare supplement. if the child is looked after at least 16 hours in the month.

To know : Parental crèches receive direct assistance from the CAF, which influences their cost. Therefore, the CMG does not work for this type of childcare. 

Note: the maximum amount of the CMG for a child aged 0 to 3 is: 

  • € 470,69 for annual income below € 21277
  • € 296,80 for annual income below € 47283
  • € 178,06 for annual income above € 47283

And for children aged 3 to 6, the maximum amounts are: 

  • € 235,33 for annual income below € 21277
  • € 148,43 for annual income below € 47283
  • € 89,03 for annual income above € 47283

Free choice supplement to have your child looked after at home

CAF covers part of the remuneration of the caregiver. The amount of this partial payment of the employee’s remuneration depends on your income, the number of children and their age. The supplement covers up to 85% of his remuneration. Count a minimum of 15% remaining at your expense.

You become the employer of the person looking after your child. It’s here CAF which declares your employee’s employment at the Pajemploi center. Then it’s up to you declare each month the remuneration of your employee on the site The contributions paid by CAF will therefore be established on the site and you will be informed of the portion remaining payable by you. The Pajemploi service sends the employment certificate directly to the employee, which is their pay slip.

If you have recourse to both a childminder and home care, the accumulation of partial payment of the remuneration of each employee is possible, under certain conditions. Check with your CAF.

Depending on the type of care, you can benefit from a reduction or a tax credit for the employment of a childminder or for the employment of a person at home. Check with your tax office.

Social contributions payable by you:

CAF can also cover the amount of social contributions depending on the type of care: 

– 100% in the case of an approved childminder (for each child) 

– 50% in the case of home care. It should be noted that the maximum amount of this support is 463 euros for children 0-3 years old and 232 euros for children 3-6 years old. 

Case of reduction or increase in the amounts of the support by CAF:

These amounts are halved if you benefit from the free choice of activity supplement paid for part-time work of 50% or less.

Under certain conditions, these amounts may be increased:

  • 10% if your child is looked after at night from 22 p.m. to 6 a.m., on Sundays or on public holidays
  • 30% if you and / or your spouse is a beneficiary of the disabled adult’s allowance

Note, these two increases are cumulative.

Complement of free choice: babysitting in an association, a company or a micro crèche

If you choose to have your child looked after by a structure such as an association, a company or a micro-crèche, the CAF can cover part of your expenses. The amount of this support will be paid to the structure, according to your income, the number of children and their age. Note that a minimum of 15% of the costs incurred will remain your responsibility.

Ask about.

  • For home care, coverage is 50% of contributions, up to a limit of € 447 per month (until the 3rd birthday).

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