Complaint in the hospital: the 19-year-old son of the warden operated because his father let him?

The District Prosecutor’s Office in Zamość will decide whether to file an indictment with the court in the case of the former head of the hospital in Tomaszów Lubelski. Investigators are checking whether he has allowed his 19-year-old son to participate in his operations.

In 2013, the management of SP ZOZ in Tomaszów Lubelski received an anonymous complaint against the head of the medical center, Bernard Ż. signed by “employees of the surgery department”. The medic was accused of mobbing: ridiculing and disregarding nurses, humiliating them and unfounded criticism.

– The letter also stated that a teenage son, who was actively allowed to participate in surgical operations, was a witness to the discriminatory practices of the ward officer – says Dr. Andrzej Kaczor.

This was supposed to happen when the 19-year-old was doing summer internships at the physiotherapy department of the Tomaszów hospital. The director appointed a special committee, which included, inter alia, chiefs of all departments, deputy director and head nurse. They interviewed all the surgical staff and reviewed the documentation. After the work was completed, the head of the department was disciplinary dismissed.

– The prosecutor’s office was also notified. The mobbing thread was not confirmed and was canceled – admits Ewa Pizun, deputy district prosecutor from Zamość. – Initially, the issue of admitting an unauthorized person to surgical operations was also abandoned.

One of the patients operated on by Bernard Ż. – We will make decisions about further steps in this matter at the end of August – adds Pizun.

After the vacation in court, the lawsuit brought against the hospital by one of the former surgery patients will begin. The woman demands 200. PLN compensation, claiming that after an operation in which an unauthorized person participated, his health deteriorated. Another patient also demands 200. zloty. for the fact that the son of the head of surgery was present in the operating room during her surgery.

The District Court in Zamość will also consider the case of compensation for Bernard Ż. for firing him from his job. The court of first instance found that the hospital director had the right to dismiss the ward, but he did so in breach of the statutory deadline. The hospital was supposed to pay him 20 zlotys for it, which is three times the wages the head of the hospital was charged.

– We have just appealed against this decision – says director Kaczor. – All deadlines resulting from the Labor Code have been kept.

Source: Dziennik Wschodni

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