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From February 12, it is possible to submit claims for compensation for side effects after the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. The Act on the Protective Vaccination Compensation Fund entered into force on January 27. How much can I get and who is entitled to compensation?

  1. By February 11, after the administration of over 52 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, over 18 were registered. NOPs
  2. The vast majority, i.e. 15 203 were mild NOPs
  3. From February, persons who required hospitalization as a result of adverse effects may apply for compensation. The Protective Vaccination Compensation Fund has already entered into force
  4. In the first year of operation, the fund will cover only vaccinations against COVID-19, from 2023 it will cover all mandatory vaccinations
  5. Respond before it’s too late. Get to know your Health Index!
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Adverse post-vaccination reactions. How many of them have appeared?

According to the information available on the government website, from the beginning of the COVID-19 vaccination program to February 11, 2022, there were registered 18 thousand 220 Vaccine Adverse Reactions (NOP) and Medical Adverse Events (NZM). At that time, a total of were made 52 million 531 thousand 873 vaccination against coronavirus.

A more detailed report on adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccination can be found on the website of the National Institute of Public Health. It includes all notified NOPs broken down by individual preparations. It provides information on what events were recorded after vaccination, as well as the gender and age of the people who had a given NOP. The latest report on the NIZP – PZH website covers the period from December 27, 2020 to January 31, 2022.

«In total, by January 31, 2022, 17 thousand. 989 Adverse Vaccine Reactions (NOP) and Adverse Medical Events (NZM), while a total of 51 million 312 thousand was performed. 649 vaccinations. Adverse Vaccine Reactions and Adverse Medical Events occurring within 30 days after vaccination account for approx. 0,05%. As part of the epidemiological supervision carried out at the NIZP PZH – PIB, from December 27, 2020 to January 31, 2022, a total of 14 thousand were received from the Sanitary Inspection. 278 NOP and NZM, which is approx. 80 percent. notifications registered in the SEPIS system (Record System of the State Sanitary Inspection). The remaining reports are supplemented by the Sanitary Inspection and successively sent to the NIZP PZH – PIB »- we read in the report.

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As of February, people who have experienced severe side effects after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine can claim compensation.

Compensation for NOPs. Who will be entitled to?

Pursuant to the Act, compensation, compensation benefit is payable in the event of adverse reactions or anaphylactic shock resulting in hospitalization following vaccination against COVID-19. A stay in hospital is a prerequisite for receiving the benefit.

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Detailed information on government websites says that you are entitled to a compensation benefit:

  1. in case of side effects listed in the Summary of Product Characteristics of the administered vaccine or vaccines that caused hospitalization for at least 14 days;
  2. in the event of an anaphylactic shock necessitating observation at a hospital emergency department or emergency room or hospitalization for a period of up to 14 days.

As we read in the act, “the compensatory benefit will cover adverse effects that occurred as a result of vaccinations against COVID-19 carried out after December 26, 2020”.

The act will be retroactive, which means that it covers vaccination against COVID-19 made from the start of the vaccination campaign in December 2020.. – said recently the Patient Rights Ombudsman, Bartłomiej Chmielowiec.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Compensation for complications after vaccination. How much will you get?

“The benefit will be a lump sum, and its amount will depend primarily on the length of the hospitalization period,” we read on the government’s website. What does this mean exactly?

The amount of the benefit will be:

  1. 3 zł in case of observation in a hospital emergency department or emergency room due to an anaphylactic shock;
  2. 10 zł in case of hospitalization due to an anaphylactic shock lasting less than 14 days;
  3. from 10 to 20 thousand zloty in the case of hospitalization lasting from 14 days to 30 days;
  4. from 21 to 35 thousand zloty in the case of hospitalization lasting from 31 days to 50 days;
  5. from 36 to 50 thousand zloty in the case of hospitalization lasting from 51 days to 70 days;
  6. from 51 to 65 thousand zloty in the case of hospitalization lasting from 71 days to 90 days;
  7. from 66 to 89 thousand zloty in the case of hospitalization lasting from 91 days to 120 days;
  8. 100 thousand in the case of hospitalization for more than 120 days.

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The compensation benefit may be additionally increased:

  1. o 15 tys. in the case of surgery under general anesthesia;
  2. o 5 tys. in the case of surgery or a method of treatment or diagnosis that presents an increased risk;
  3. o 10 tys. in case of hospitalization in an intensive care unit or intensive care unit for at least 7 days;
  4. o 20 tys. in case of hospitalization in an intensive care unit or intensive care unit for more than 30 days.

An element of the benefit may also include the costs of further treatment or rehabilitation after the patient ends hospitalization, up to the amount of PLN 10. zloty. The limit of the compensation benefit is PLN 100. zloty.

Compensation for complications after vaccination. How to apply?

Compensation claims can be submitted from February 12. A specimen of the document is available on the website of the Patient Ombudsman. You have to pay PLN 200 for submitting the application. The fee will be refunded if the benefit is awarded.

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– If the patient’s financial situation indicates that he cannot afford to pay this fee, we will be able to release him from this obligation in whole or in part – said the Patient Ombudsman.

The benefit will be granted by an administrative decision of the Patient Ombudsman, after obtaining the opinion of the Benefits Team from the Immunization Compensation Fund. The deadline for considering the application is two months.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Also read:

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