Compatibility table of zodiac signs

Surely, each of us at least once in our lives, being in search of our soulmate and having met someone, wondered: “How compatible are we?”. The compatibility table of zodiac signs below will help answer this question.

Zodiac sign
Aries ♈9878108889889
Taurus ♉7978999108989
Gemini ♊8787899910898
Cancer ♋9988889981089
Leo ♌109779981098108
Virgo ♍7788787107677
Libra ♎8998999699108
Scorpio ♏76699889910910
Sagittarius ♐87107108910108107
Capricorn ♑8978898109887
Aquarius ♒1089797109109810
Pisces ♓98881010101079910

The degree of compatibility is rated on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is the maximum value.

Note: this table is for informational purposes and when building relationships, you should not rely only on it and other similar tables.

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