Compatibility mode in Word

Sometimes it becomes necessary to work with documents that were created in earlier versions of Microsoft Word, such as Word 2010 or 2007. When you open such documents, the Compatibility Mode (limited functionality), which imposes certain restrictions on the user’s capabilities. How to disable compatibility mode and in what situations it is not recommended to do this, you will learn from this short lesson.

В режиме совместимости некоторые опции отключены, т.е. Вам доступны только те команды, что использовались при создании документа. Например, при открытии документа, созданного в Word 2007, можно воспользоваться только теми вкладками и командами, которые присутствуют в Word 2007.

The figure below shows how compatibility mode affects the availability of certain commands. Because the top document is open in Compatibility View, only the commands available in Word 2007 are active.

To leave Compatibility Mode, you must convert the document to a format that matches the current version of Microsoft Word. However, if you’re working with users of other versions of Word, it’s a good idea to leave the document in compatibility mode so that the file format doesn’t change.

For more information about which features are disabled in compatibility mode, see the Microsoft website.

Convert Document

If necessary, you can use all the functionality of Word 2013, for this you need to convert the file to the Word 2013 format.

Please note that converting a file may change the original markup of the document.

  1. Click the Fileto navigate to Backstage view.
  2. Find and select a team Convert.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, click OKto confirm the file format change.
  4. The document will be converted to the new file format.

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