How much effort, money and time each of us is ready to spend on helping other people? In the World Charity Ranking, Russia was in 138th place out of 153.
How much effort, money and time each of us is ready to spend on helping other people? In the World Charity Ranking, Russia was in 138th place out of 153*.
Psychologies: Why are we in such a low position?
Natalya Kigay: These numbers grew from people’s answers to the question of how much money they donate to charitable organizations, whether they participate in their work and whether they help strangers. This explains a lot. It is difficult for us to trust organizations (there is indeed a lot of deceit and theft), although we willingly help those foundations and people whose history is not in doubt. However, there are few donors. A huge gap between population groups gives rise to envy, hatred, mutual indignation, and also shifts the boundaries in the perception of one’s own wealth. Social distrust and the desire to distance oneself from the suffering of others takes precedence over compassion. However, over the past 10 years, our attitude to charity has changed for the better. The development of social networks on the Internet plays an important role here.
What benefits a society where citizens actively help each other?
N.K .: The atmosphere of mutual trust, empathy and support in itself improves the quality of life. This creates a positive chain reaction: the opportunity to speak out and be heard, to find an assistant and ally contributes to the desire to live and increases social and creative activity, self-esteem. Such a society in polls looks like a happier one.
* Survey conducted by the British Charity Aid Foundation (CAF) in 2010. More details on the website