Comparison of modules of real numbers

Below are the rules for comparing modulus of positive and negative numbers. Examples are also given for a better understanding of the theoretical material.


Module Comparison Rules

positive numbers

Moduli of positive numbers are compared in the same way as real numbers.


  • |6| > |4|
  • |15,7|
  • |20| = |20|

Negative numbers

  1. If the modulus of one of the negative numbers is less than the other, that number is greater.
  2. If the modulus of one of the negative numbers is greater than the other, that number is the smaller one.
  3. If the modules of negative numbers are equal, then these numbers are equal.


  • |-7|
  • |-5| > |-14,6|
  • |-17| = |-17|


Comparison of modules of real numbers

On the coordinate axis, the larger negative number is to the right of the smaller one.

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