Compare drugs – Postinor and Escapel

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Emergency contraceptives are the “magic pill” that allows you to prevent unwanted pregnancy if something goes wrong. However, you should not rely too much on this method. Although WHO says that every modern woman should have such a pill in her purse – for example, Postinor or Escapel, they are far from always effective. How these tools work and which one to choose – read the article.

The drug and its characteristics



Active substance



Application Scheme

2 tablets 12 hours apart

1 tablet


Before 72 hours

Before 96 hours


Gedeon Richter (Hungary)

Gedeon Richter (Hungary)


350-450 руб.

450-550 руб.

When do you need emergency contraception?

In their WHO fact sheets пишетthat, when used correctly, emergency contraceptives can prevent unwanted pregnancies in 95% of cases. These drugs include hormonal pills and an intrauterine device. In this article, we will compare only two drugs – Postinor and Escapel tablets, the most popular and easy to use.

According to the recommendations of gynecologists, pills for emergency contraception are recommended in such situations:

  1. If contraception was not used at all, and there was unprotected intercourse (without a condom, IUD, hormonal pills, etc.).

  2. If there are doubts about the effectiveness of the contraception used – the condom broke, I forgot to take the pill, the intrauterine device or the vaginal ring fell out.

  3. When raped.

Emergency contraception is indicated after intercourse. However, this method should not be used as the main means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. If you have a permanent sexual partner, other means are recommended – condoms, oral contraceptives, an intrauterine device, a vaginal ring, etc.

Compare the composition of drugs

Escapel and Postinor contain the same active ingredient – levonorgestrel, a hormone from the group of gestagens. The difference is only in the dosage:

  1. Postinor: two tablets of 0,75 mg.

  2. Escapelle: one tablet of 1,5 mg.

Both drugs are available by prescription.

How do they work

The clinical guidelines developed for gynecologists indicate that levonorgestrel in both drugs acts as follows:

  1. Blocks ovulation. The drug affects the final stage of egg development: it does not allow it to mature and enter the abdominal cavity. Without ovulation, pregnancy does not occur.

  2. Thickens cervical mucus. In the thick mucus, the spermatozoa “get stuck” and cannot make their way to the egg.

According to WHO, levonorgestrel affects mainly ovulation. Other mechanisms of drug action are not well understood and are not seriously considered. There is no reliable evidence that levonorgesterel really changes the nature of cervical mucus and inhibits the progress of spermatozoa.


Here’s what you need to know about emergency contraceptive pills:

Does not affect the embryo

Escapelle and Postinor act only on the egg until fertilization. Conducted clinical studies show: levonorgestrel as part of both drugs does not have an abortive effect – it cannot slow down the implantation or progression of the fetal egg through the fallopian tubes, cause miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Medicines for emergency contraception do not lead to terminate an existing pregnancy. This is how both Escapel and Postinor work – since they contain the same active substance and are taken according to a similar scheme.

Working until ovulation

Postinor and Escapel are effective only in the first phase of the menstrual cycle – when the eggs are maturing. They suppress the process until the peak of the LH surge, but practically do not cope with this task directly on the day of ovulation and 2-3 days before it. This explains the likelihood of an error – when the drug does not work, and pregnancy still occurs.

In the second phase of the cycle, taking levonorgestrel does not make sense. Within a day after ovulation, the egg dies, and pregnancy cannot occur. Postinor and Escapel are ineffective and unnecessary during this period.

Effective only in the first 72-69 hours

Clinical researches showed: The sooner you take the pill, the better. According to the instructions, you can take Postinor within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, Escapel – up to 96 hours. However, the same instructions indicate that the effectiveness of levonorgestrel decreases over time. If you take a pill on the first day, it will prevent unwanted pregnancy in 95% of cases, on the second day – in 85%, on the third – only in 58%.

Works well only in women with normal weight

Clinical researches showedthat with a body mass index of more than 25, the effectiveness of levonorgestrel is reduced. The risk of unwanted conception of a child with overweight is 1,5 times higher, with obesity – 3 times.

Does not protect against STIs

Emergency contraceptive pills prevent pregnancy, but do not protect against infection with sexually transmitted infections (including HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.).

How effective are they?

Medical Literature Review showsthat Escapelle does its job better, although no significant difference between the effects of these funds has been identified. In clinical studies, it was possible to find out that the effectiveness of Escapel is 98,7%, and Postinor – only 96%. However, both of these values ​​are quite large and allow us to speak of drugs based on levonorgestrel as quite effective agents.

According to gynecologists, Escapelle has the following advantages:

  1. It works for 96 hours, and the woman has more time left.

  2. The regimen is simpler: you only need to take one tablet. Gynecologists noticed: often women taking Postinor forget to take the second pill after the period specified in the instructions.

When using drugs strictly according to the instructions and on the first day after unprotected intercourse, their effectiveness does not differ.

Application Scheme

Pills for emergency contraception should be taken according to the scheme:

  1. Postinor: one tablet as soon as possible after intimacy, the next – after 12 hours. Both tablets must be taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse.

  2. Escapelle: only one tablet after intimacy. The drug must be taken within 96 hours.

Adverse Reactions

It is not by chance that emergency contraceptive drugs got such a name. They should be used only as a last resort – but should not be used as the main means to protect against unwanted pregnancy. According to gynecologists, the frequent use of such drugs changes the hormonal background, disrupts the menstrual cycle and undermines women’s health.

Adverse reactions against the background of the use of Escapel and Postinor are the same:

  1. nausea and vomiting;

  2. abdominal pain;

  3. diarrhea;

  4. headache;

  5. soreness of the mammary glands;

  6. general weakness;

  7. allergic reactions.

In the conducted clinical research it was not possible to find significant differences between adverse reactions when using Postinor and Escapel. Increasing the dosage of levonorgestrel in Escapelle does not lead to an increase in the number of unwanted symptoms.

All emergency contraceptive drugs can cause menstrual irregularities and delay periods by several days. But if there is no menstruation for a week or more, it is worth doing a pharmacy test or donating blood for hCG – to exclude pregnancy.


Postinor and Escapel are not used:

  1. during pregnancy – they are not means for medical abortion;

  2. when breastfeeding;

  3. in adolescents under 16 years of age;

  4. with severe pathology of the liver and kidneys.

When lactating, the use of emergency contraceptives is allowed, but then you need to stop breastfeeding for a day.


The most important thing to know:

  1. Postinor and Escapel are drugs for emergency contraception. They are used only after unprotected intercourse and only in cases where it is impossible otherwise. They are not a substitute for permanent contraceptives and are not a means of medical abortion.

  2. Postinor and Escapel contain one active substance (levonorgestrel), they act in the same way, but have a different scheme of application. Escapel should be taken once within 96 hours, Postinor – have time to drink two tablets in 72 hours. The earlier you take the pill, the more effective the drug.

  3. Postinor and Escapel work only before ovulation and are useless in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

  4. The effectiveness of the drugs is almost the same, however, according to studies, Escapelle copes with its task a little better – 98,7% versus 96%. Doctors explain this by the convenience of using Escapelle and a longer period of action.

  5. The incidence of adverse reactions is the same for both drugs.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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