Compaction of vertebrae
Compression of the vertebrae is a compression fracture that is mainly observed in osteoporosis. This type of fracture can lead to the onset of back pain and spinal pain.
Compaction of vertebrae, what is it?
Definition of compression of vertebrae
Compaction of vertebrae, or vertebral compression, corresponds to a fracture in the vertebrae. As a reminder, the vertebrae are the bony structures of the spine. There are several different types depending on their location. The lumbar and dorsal vertebrae are frequently affected by vertebral compression while the cervical vertebrae are rarely affected.
Compaction of vertebrae is a specific type of fracture. It is more precisely a fracture by compression which appears at the level of the body of the vertebra, that is to say at the level of the bulky and solid part bearing the weight of the skeletal axis.
It should be noted that vertebral compression should not be confused with disc narrowing. The latter corresponds to a thinning of the intervertebral disc (fibrous type cartilage located between each vertebra of the spine with exceptions). This disc loses its height, which causes the vertebrae to come together with a risk of friction and complications.
Causes of compression of vertebrae
The most common cause of compression of the vertebrae is osteoporosis. This diffuse skeletal disease results in a decrease in bone mass associated with deterioration of the internal structure of the bone. The bones are weakened making them more susceptible to the risk of fractures.
In addition to osteoporosis, vertebral compression can have other causes including:
- trauma such as a fall or shock to the vertebrae;
- bone cancer or bone metastases (secondary cancers that develop in bone tissue).
Diagnosis of vertebrae compression
Spinal compression may be suspected in cases of back pain and spinal pain. The diagnosis is confirmed by medical imaging tests such as an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
People affected by compression of vertebrae
Vertebral compression mainly concerns people with osteoporosis. This disease is often seen in people over the age of 65. In France, an estimated 56 vertebrae fractures are observed each year in patients with osteoporosis.
Symptoms of vertebrae compression
Pain in the spine
In some cases, vertebral compression may be asymptomatic and go unnoticed. In other cases, it causes pain in the vertebrae. These can be very different depending on the case, from mild to back pain to severe pain along the spine.
The appearance of vertebral collapse can lead to kyphosis. This is an exaggeration of the convexity of the dorsal region resulting in a rounding of the upper back.
Treatments for compression of vertebrae
Symptomatic treatments
Corsets can be used to immobilize the spine, thereby limiting the symptoms of spinal compression.
Traitements spécifiques
There are specific treatments for fractures of the vertebrae such as:
- vertebroplasty, or cementoplasty, which consists of injecting a biocompatible cement into the weakened vertebra;
- kyphoplasty, which involves injecting an acrylic cement into the weakened vertebra.
Prevent compression of vertebrae
In particular, it is recommended to:
- practice regular physical activity because it helps maintain a strong skeleton;
- eat foods rich in calcium as this mineral is key to bone health;
- maintain a sufficient intake of vitamin D because it improves the absorption of calcium in the intestine and participates in the fixation of this mineral in the bones.