Our reader was boycotted only because she did not have time to respond to the message in the general group.
Everyone has probably heard about parental chats, even those who do not have schoolchildren or kindergarteners. This phenomenon has taken over our lives too firmly. As soon as the child is enrolled in school or kindergarten, mom or dad is “enrolled” in the group. Congratulations, you just officially went to kindergarten again. Well, or to school. It often happens that from one chat, over time, several “chatters” are formed at once: a general chat, a chat for parents, a chat to discuss the preparation of a holiday, and so on.
This can be tricky. Not only do you have to communicate at work, friends and parents write. So also this! One of our readers – a mother of three children – complained to the editor that she was literally going crazy from the messages that dozens of messages are poured onto her phone.
You need nerves of steel to stay calm when chatting.
“One of my children goes to kindergarten, two others go to school, and I am in all parental chatters at once. And believe me, in order to keep track of the news, have time to answer questions, fight off insults, and also be aware of all questions from teachers and educators, you need to quit work, stop doing chores, and sleep and eat, – says a mother with many children. … – Once I calculated that I receive about 200 different messages a day. But the absolute record was on New Year’s Eve, when the parents began to discuss what to give the teachers. Going to the bathroom, I saw only this question, and when I returned, I found 356 messages! Can you imagine what I thought ?! At least that there was a global catastrophe, aliens took over the school, and the sky fell to the ground! Moreover, when I began to read, I did not know whether to cry or laugh. Probably, the grannies at the entrance even behave more cultured. One message was poured into ten others. While someone was asking for details about the gifts, others were already arguing about the amount collected. Moreover, they did not hesitate in expressions, as if the traders in the market had come together wall to wall with the port loaders. “
Then the woman just laughed and blamed everything on the “New Year’s aggravation”, but less than a week later everything was repeated. Only this time, the parents discussed who would help with filling the slide.
“For my part, I try to never enter into a discussion, let alone argue in parental chats. But at the same time, I am endlessly angry when I receive notifications of new messages. Moreover, they are usually completely useless. For example, one person asks if it is warm at school today, and ten answer him: “Stop writing nonsense here! You distract from work! “. But one day I was punished. In the chat, I was staged a real boycott only because I did not have time to respond to one of the messages. I don’t remember the details, but it was something like a survey about where to send the children for the holidays. They demanded a quick response from the parents in order to fill out some kind of plate and hand it over to the class teacher, from whom the headmaster was expecting an answer. Everything was decided by a majority of votes, but, as usual, not all moms and dads answered quickly. I also missed the question, and when, after a couple of hours, I tried to find out why the more expensive trip won by a huge margin, I was obscenely sent “where I came from, if you are more interested there,” and blocked in the chat. “
Mom notes – but in real life, these same moms and dads are completely different! In “chatterboxes” parents endlessly swear and swear at each other, declare boycotts and generally behave like offended second graders. When they meet offline, they smile sweetly and exchange pleasantries. Does the Internet really spoil a person like that? There are, of course, ways to reconcile and frame everyone. But who will do this? For such things, it is just right to hire an individual and pay him money.
However, telling all the horrors of communication through such groups, our reader admits that modern means of communication are sometimes very helpful. For example, when a misfortune happened in one family – a child became very ill – it was thanks to a timely thrown cry that in just a week they collected an impressive amount of money for treatment.
“And through chats, we warn you if a child is sick, ask for time off, ask what homework has been set, and so on,” the reader concludes.
Perhaps that is why, when she came to the new department to work, it was our heroine who suggested to her colleagues to create a working chat in order to discuss the details of the implementation of the new project in it. True, already in the first message she asked not to write texts longer than 150 characters and not to use obscene words.
“Otherwise, there will not be enough nerves for this communication! I know for sure, ”she said.