Communication in the family of parents with children: features of style, culture and psychology
Family communication is very important for the formation of the psyche, as well as for the development of communication skills with other people. It is important to talk with the baby on an equal footing, but at the same time he must understand that the opinion of the elders is more important. Therefore, adults should choose the most appropriate way of communication and follow a number of recommendations during conversations.
Features of the communication style of parents with children
In order for children to respect adults, and not be afraid of them, it is necessary to choose the optimal type of communication. At home, love, understanding and fear should reign.
Family communication should be based on mutual love and understanding
The following types of communication are distinguished:
- Authoritarian. The opinion of a son or daughter is not taken into account, he must do everything that the elders say. The mother and father want to develop discipline in the baby, but in the end he grows up to be a despot.
- Liberal. Adults love their child so much that they allow him everything. As a result, he grows up spoiled, selfish, does not know the word “no”.
- Hyper-care. It is usually observed in families where only the mother is involved in raising the baby. All attention is directed to the child, he does nothing on his own. As a result, a person with an infantile character grows up.
- Alienation. The kid is left to himself, nobody cares about him. Over time, he begins to show aggression towards peers.
All of the above methods have their drawbacks. It is best if communication at home is based on cooperation and mutual respect.
Communication culture – the rules of psychology
In order for a child to love and respect his mother and father, the following rules must be observed in the process of communicating with him:
- Even if there are problems at work, you cannot talk about them at home. The child should not hear the rude voice of the mother or father – you should not talk to him in a raised voice.
- After coming home, you need to rest for 30-40 minutes, and only after that do your household chores. Otherwise, a nervous breakdown is not far. And if a son or daughter falls under the hot hand, this can lead to a breakdown in relations with him.
- You should always listen to your baby. Even if the elders are very busy, they must learn to take a moment for their child.
- You need to communicate with your son or daughter on an equal footing. And if the kid deserves it, he must be encouraged. But if he is guilty, it is also impossible to leave him unpunished.
Following these simple rules will help build family relationships.
Communication at home is very important. It affects his character in the future. Depending on the communication style, a person can become oppressive or respectful of the opinions of others.