Common sorrel, blood red, large-leaved

Sour sorrel is a common garden crop that has a peculiar leaf shape and a bright, memorable taste. Most summer residents and gardeners prefer perennial species of sorrel, but the productivity of the plant decreases from year to year. For each region of Our Country, a certain type of herbaceous culture is provided, which fruitfully grows in this area.

Description of sorrel

The plant is considered the offspring of the Buckwheat family. At the moment, in horticulture, there are about 150 species that gardeners plant. In the forest belt it grows in the form of grass, gardeners cultivate bushy varieties. Without the help of gardeners, it grows in the European part of Our Country up to 3-5 years.

Common sorrel is characterized by elongated, oblong and wide leaves, the base of which begins at the petioles of the plant. During the flowering period, the plant grows flower stalks. The bush is distinguished by a large inflorescence, the flowers are located on the tops of the peduncles. Seeds are contained in a trihedral box that appears after flowering.

Common sorrel, blood red, large-leaved

Advice! After flowering, sorrel leaves contain a high concentration of acid, so it is not recommended to eat them.

Varieties and types of sorrel

About 70 varieties of sorrel are grown in Our Country. Due to the content of nutrients and vitamins, it has remained popular among gardeners and gardeners for decades. The advantage of this plant is the ability to enter into hybridization with different types of herbaceous culture. The result of such experiments is a hybrid variety of red sorrel.

Sorrel sour

It is considered the most common type of plant from a number of perennial herbaceous crops. Under favorable growing conditions, sorrel reaches a height of 30-50 cm. The stems are erect, soft, spear-shaped. The leaves have a pronounced sour taste due to the high concentration of vitamin C. It blooms in summer and early autumn with red or green flowers.

Sour sorrel is used to normalize the digestive and diuretic systems. Due to its low calorie content, sour sorrel has established itself as a dietary product. In folk medicine, it is used as a component of decoctions to stimulate the liver. The juice of the sour plant is used to increase appetite and strengthen the immune system. Demonstrative photo of the sorrel variety:

Common sorrel, blood red, large-leaved

Important! Frequent use of oxalic juice is fraught with the appearance of gastritis and a violation of mineral metabolism in the human body.

Sorrel large-leaved

Europe and Asia are considered to be the birthplace of this sour plant. A large-leaved plant variety with an early ripening period. The foliage is large, oval in shape with a narrowed base to the roots of the plant, grows in a bush to a height of 20 cm. The rosette of the plant is erect, compacted. The root system of the bush develops from the main stem. Closer to the surface of the earth, the roots branch out.

The first young leaves are eaten after 30-45 days after planting the seeds. In addition to oxalic acid, the leaves of this species contain malic and citric. The yield is from 1 to 1,5 kg per 1 sq. m. The large-leaved variety is resistant to stalking and low temperatures. Cut bundles are stored for up to 3 days in a refrigerator without losing their presentation.

red sorrel

The only variety of sorrel with blood-red streaks. Gardeners use it as an ornamental plant. Sorrel leaves are spear-shaped with red veins. Depending on the acidity of the soil, the leaves may be light green in color with purple veins. The red species has greenish-brown flowers. Most gardeners cut the blooms the first time they appear, so the bushes grow and have a dense rosette.

Common sorrel, blood red, large-leaved

A variety of varieties unpretentious to high temperatures. Harmoniously coexists with a variety of flower cultures. Red sorrel leaves are rarely eaten. The plant is often attacked by aphids, so chemical treatment is necessary for comfortable plant growth.

broad-leaved sorrel

This type of herbaceous culture is characterized by a late ripening period of 45 to 60 days. In one season, a cut from a bush is made 5-6 times and about 5 kg of sorrel is collected from 1 sq. m. The leaf blade reaches 8 cm. The rosette of the bush is loose, it can be 10-15 cm in height.

Seeds are planted every 5 years. Greenery grows rapidly if the distance between the bushes is not more than 45 cm. The broad-leaved culture grows well on any soil, but the variety is not intended for planting in wetlands. An acidic plant contains protein, in minimal amounts a concentrate of iron, sulfur, phosphorus.

Common sorrel, blood red, large-leaved

Comment! Broad-leaved sorrel does not contain oxalic acid, as does the spinach type of herbaceous crop.

Belvia sorrel

Among relatives, it is the earliest ripening variety. The herbaceous plant is ready for cutting after 20-30 days after planting in the ground. The bush grows spreading in an elevated position. The leaves are light green. The surface of the sheet with a glossy sheen, there are convex irregularities. The width of the sheet reaches 5-6 cm ovoid. Bushes grow high 20-25 cm, quickly overgrow.

The species is resistant to frost, high temperature. For one harvesting season from 1 square. m. collect up to 3-3,5 kg. The leaf blades are edible. By the time of ripening, the stems become stiff, so they are added to tinctures to normalize the digestive tract. Planting in film greenhouses is possible. The Belvi variety is suitable for planting in the northern part of Our Country.

Advice! Eat sorrel in food, preferably with sour cream.

Dairy products react with acid. In this form, it can be consumed in large quantities.

The best varieties of sorrel for the Moscow region

The Moscow region is characterized by a cloudy and changeable climate. Summer is hot and cold in one season. Gardeners and gardeners of this area either grow several varieties of sorrel, or plant the most unpretentious plant to care for.

Sorrel Sanguinyk

Perennial plant, growing season 40 to 45 days. Bushes are formed high – 30 cm. The herbaceous culture has a tap root without branching to the soil surface. Sorrel stems with red veins and reddish edging. The yield is 4 kg. The variety is resistant to drought, frost. Sanguine has a unique foliage color – rich green.

Common sorrel, blood red, large-leaved

Nikolsky sorrel

Variety with elongated light green leaves. The width of the leaf blade is 3-5 cm. The rosette is loose, it reaches 30-40 cm in height. For good growth and harvest, the plants, when planted, maintain a standard distance between the bushes of 20-25 cm. They are used together with the stems for food, make preparations for the winter.

Common sorrel, blood red, large-leaved

Sorrel Champion

Kind of early ripening, suitable for planting in a greenhouse. Has an attractive trade dress which remains in the period of long time. Landing is carried out in April or mid-May. Champion does not require frequent watering. The leaves are sour and juicy in taste.

Common sorrel, blood red, large-leaved

Odessa sorrel

Early ripe variety with a moderate ripening period – 30-35 days. Odessa variety is resistant to pests, it does not require chemical treatment. The yield is up to 7 kg per 1 sq. m. The leaves are rich in potassium, iron, proteins. Often eaten, used in tinctures, dried for the winter.

Common sorrel, blood red, large-leaved

Sorrel Bloody Mary

Decorative, early maturing variety of herbaceous culture. Unlike the red species, the leaves of the Bloody Mary are eaten, they are harvested for the winter. The leaves are characterized by burgundy patches on a green background of the leaf blade. It also contains vitamins A and C. For the climate of the Moscow region, Bloody Mary is the best choice of sorrel varieties.

Common sorrel, blood red, large-leaved

Peculiarities of growing

For all varieties of sorrel, open ground is fertilized with compost, black soil. Soil with a high acid content does not require fertilizer treatment. The peculiarity of planting is that sorrel can be planted at any time of the year. In a greenhouse or open field, the yield will not subside. For the primary planting, choose a place where carrots, sekla or greens used to grow. Partial shade should be present at the planting site so that young leaves do not shrivel during the growth period.

Land for planting is prepared in the fall: they dig it up with leaves. In the spring, the soil is loosened, beds or holes are made. Before planting, the seeds are treated with a growth stimulator, mixed with superphosphate and planted in a hole. The distance between the rows depends on the type of sorrel chosen. Most gardeners use a standard planting distance of 40-45 cm.

The first watering is carried out after planting. The culture is unpretentious to the watering schedule and can grow on its own. However, the harvest in this case will not be fruitful. Gardeners water sorrel with diluted nettle infusion to preserve nutrients if they do not have time to harvest. Sorrel does not need frequent feeding. When the soil stagnates, surface loosening is carried out.

Important! If you do not take care of the plant at all, then the bushes will be covered with rust, which will lead to the complete destruction of the herbaceous culture.


Sorrel sour is unpretentious to the conditions of growth and planting. All varieties have an attractive presentation and a large amount of nutrients for the human body. The plant is popular not only among gardeners, it is recommended as an element of dietary nutrition for weight loss. Sour lovers are not recommended to consume it in large quantities without additives that neutralize oxalic acid.

Sowing sorrel seeds. Planting and growing sorrel.

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