Common oak

Oak: description

Common oak

Oak is a deciduous tree growing up to 50 meters in height. Oak leaves are pinnately lobed, located on short petioles. The bark of oak is dark gray, strongly cracking. Oak has female and male flowers. Female flowers are greenish in color, crimson above, small in size, they are collected in several pieces and are located on thin and long peduncles. Male flowers, two or three, are collected in pale pink color earrings. Oak fruits are nuts, which are popularly called acorns.

Oak is a long-lived tree, but it also bears fruit only from 30 years after planting.

The benefits of oak

For medicinal purposes, acorns, young bark of trunks and branches, as well as oak leaves are used. Oak bark contains resins, sugar, acids and pectin. Acorns contain tannins, fatty oil, sugar and starch, protein substances. And in the leaves of the tree there are dyes, tannins and pentosans.

Oak bark preparations are used as an anti-inflammatory, astringent and wound healing agent. Oak bark is part of mixtures used for gastritis, colitis, liver disease, bleeding of the stomach and intestines, as well as the spleen.

Oak is highly recommended for men who are overworking physically and mentally. Preparations made on the basis of oak give confidence and cheerfulness for the whole day. Oak has a good effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. For pregnant women, oak medicine will also help to endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

The use of oak and recipes from it

Common oak

Acorns are used to prepare a warm infusion of red wine. Compresses are made from the finished infusion, which are used for hernia. Water decoctions of acorns are used for skin rashes, severe sweating of the feet and burns.

A decoction is also made from oak bark, which helps with poisoning by various plants. To do this, take 20 grams of dry chopped bark and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it, and then put on a small fire for 30 minutes. After that, the composition is removed from the fire and filtered, and the remaining volume must be brought to the original volume with boiling water. Take the remedy for poisoning with poisonous plants 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons.

Infusion of acorns. To prepare it, you need to take 1 teaspoon of dry chopped acorns, pour them with a glass of boiled water, then cool and strain. This infusion is taken for diarrhea or enterocolitis three times a day, 100 ml each.

Decoction of oak bark for douching. Taken 20 grams of dry chopped bark, pour 200 ml of boiling water and put on fire for half an hour. Then the medicine must be filtered and diluted to the original volume with boiled water. Ready decoction is used as a douching agent for uterine prolapse, cervical erosion, vulvovaginitis.

Infusion of acorns for tuberculosis. The medicine is prepared as follows. We take acorns and peel them, send them to a baking sheet and fry in the oven until they turn red. Grind the acorns after frying. Next, take 3 teaspoons of the finished powder and pour boiling water in the amount of one and a half glasses. Ready infusion in small sips take 1 tablespoon before dinner. Whoever wants, can add honey or milk to the infusion.

Oak fruits in diabetes mellitus. For this remedy, we take fresh mature acorns, dry them and grind them into powder. Now, having prepared tea, we eat 1 teaspoon of this powder and drink it with tea. We do this 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, after which we take a break for 30 days and repeat the course again.

Juice for anemia, nervous diseases. Take acorns and pass them through a meat grinder. Next, squeeze the juice and drink it before meals, 2 tablespoons each. Before using the juice, it must be diluted with two tablespoons of honey. You need to drink this juice 4 times a day.

Oak fruit oil. We take a glass of ripe oak fruits and pass through a meat grinder. Next, fill everything with vegetable oil so that it covers the acorns completely. We leave the infusion in a dark place, not forgetting to stir occasionally. After 40 days, the oil must be filtered. In the presence of bedsores, you can safely get the oil and anoint problem areas with it.

Contraindications to the use of oak

Children categorically should not take preparations from oak inside. A decoction of oak bark is contraindicated in hemorrhoids and constipation. A large dosage of oak bark infusion leads to vomiting, so the dosage must be strictly observed. A decoction of oak bark should not be consumed for too long, as this can cause gastrointestinal diseases.

Long rinsing of the mouth with a decoction of oak bark leads to a deterioration in the sense of smell. Pregnant women, with a strong need, can take oak preparations inside, but only under the supervision of a doctor and only in small doses.

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