Common nettle – what are its properties? Application of common nettle

One of the weeds most disliked by gardeners. After contact with the skin, the skin burns and causes painful burns. Common nettle has been returning to favor for several years thanks to the growing interest in herbal medicine. It turns out that it has a great and very wide range of medicinal uses. Growing in the wild, it is an easy-to-obtain health product that is worth using.

Common nettle – properties

The most important pro-health properties they have nettle leaves, although herbalism also uses its roots. The leaves are ready to be harvested from May to September. The roots are dug up from the ground in early spring, when the leaves are not yet appearing. Then they need to be dried at a temperature of 40 degrees.

In the composition of the common nettle vitamins A, K, B2 and C are included, but also minerals such as magnesium, calcium and iron, as well as organic acids and phytosterols. Nettle soothes the course of various diseases – flu, intestines, colds. It reduces symptoms after poisoning. It has a positive effect on the improvement of blood test results, regulates the level of sugar and lowers blood pressure. It can also be used in the treatment of rheumatism. Common nettle it is also used in the treatment of urinary tract infections.

This valuable plant can also be used externally, e.g. for rubbing the skin with an infusion or rinsing the hair. It accelerates hair growth, has a beneficial effect on the skin, helps in the fight against dandruff and psoriasis, soothes inflammation of the skin and helps in the fight against discoloration resulting from, for example, too long sunbathing.

Take care of your appearance and try the Herbal Beauty Set consisting of Yeast with nettle capsules, Horsetail shampoo and herbal tea for hair, skin and nails.

Common nettle – application

The simplest form is preparation nettle leaf infusion. To do this, dry the leaves (or root) of the weed at 40 degrees. It is best for the leaves to dry in a ventilated, warm but shaded place, but if this is not possible, you can simply dry them in an oven heated to 35 degrees with the door ajar. The dried fruit is made into an infusion that can be drunk or used externally. The cooled down infusion is also used as rinse to hair. Then you should pour it over your hair and do not rinse it. The infusion should be prepared keeping the proportion – 30 nettle leaves per liter of water.

Prepare an infusion of Nettle Leaves for internal and external use.

There is no limit to the frequency the use of nettle. In diseases and inflammations, you can even use it every day. Dried nettle leaves can be added to tea. If the skin is inflamed, the infusion should be cooled and then dipped in paper towels, placed on the skin and left until absorbed.

  1. Try the freeze-dried organic nettle tea.

Nettle is also applicable in the fight against fatigue and stress. In spring it should be drunk infusion of fresh nettle juice – then the leaves bloom. Order nettle juice 1000ml on Medonet Market. In winter, the infusion perfectly protects the body against viruses and diseases. At the same time, nettle calms you down, calms you down, but at the same time adds energy, helps to concentrate during the spring solstice or the transition from summer to autumn. The decoction helps fight acne when water is retained in the body.

  1. Nettle with mint – freeze-dried organic tea can be bought at Medonet Market.

However, not everyone should reach for nettle – it must be avoided by women struggling with diseases of the genital tract, suffering from uterine cancer, cysts on the uterus, frequent bleeding from the genital tract caused by polyps. People with chronic kidney disease should also be advised during surgical treatment, as well as while taking diabetes medications avoid eating nettle.

If there are no contraindications, try Nettle – leaf extract – YANGO dietary supplement in the form of capsules. We also recommend the Organic Mineral Complex Viridian containing nettle leaf, horsetail, as well as seaweed and aquamine, which together strengthen the entire human body. Medonet Market also offers EKO nettle seed oil, which can be added not only to meals, but also to cosmetics.

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