Common contraceptive myths

Common contraceptive myths

In our enlightened age, it seems strange to have unplanned pregnancies, however, statistics suggest otherwise. It turns out that even now modern and educated people do not know elementary things about how to protect themselves.

1. Myth: there will be no pregnancy after the first sex

Actually: only two conditions are important for conception – ovulation and healthy sperm. Therefore, even after the first intercourse, pregnancy can occur. But, as practice shows, there are many factors affecting successful conception. Sometimes even healthy couples, for unexplained reasons, cannot wait for the coveted two stripes for years. And sometimes conception takes place like this, literally after the first time.

2. Myth: interrupted intercourse is good for couples.

Actually: couples who trust each other and do not need protection from sexually transmitted diseases often practice this method. But do not be surprised if one day you have a delay and the test shows you two strips. Firstly, spermatozoa are very tenacious and nimble cells, they are released not only during ejaculation, but much earlier, albeit in smaller quantities. But no one knows which of the “lucky ones” eventually manages to get to the egg. Secondly, the first moment of ejaculation is easy to miss. Is it worth the risk if having a baby is not part of the family’s plans?

3. Myth: oral contraceptives are not 100 percent guaranteed.

Actually: everything is exactly the opposite: hormonal contraceptives are considered one of the most reliable remedies for unplanned pregnancy, 99,7%. Not counting, of course, sterilization (in women, ligation of the fallopian tubes, and in men, vasectomy), but it is unlikely that at a young age you want to resort to surgical intervention. As for hormonal contraception, pregnancy cannot come “on pills” – women simply do not ovulate. But for the reliability of the method, the tablets must be drunk at a strictly defined time. Failure to take hormones, even for several hours, can result in pregnancy. And of course, before going to the pharmacy, you need to consult a doctor, donate blood for a hormonal formula and choose the pills that are right for you.

4. Myth: as long as you are breastfeeding, there will be no pregnancy

Actually: this myth arose from the fact that menstruation is absent during lactation. And thousands of unsuspecting women, not having time to recover from one pregnancy, again find themselves in an interesting position. But physiologically, breastfeeding does not interfere with ovulation (egg release). Therefore, if you are breastfeeding your baby, consult your gynecologist about safe methods of contraception.

5. Myth: hormonal contraceptives get better

Actually: contraceptive pills are generally credited with a lot of side effects – which provoke thrombosis, skin rashes and other troubles. They contain the hormone estrogen, which accumulates in adipose tissue and can affect water retention in the body. But another fact is more likely: hormonal background provokes appetite when you constantly want to eat. And the weight comes from overeating. But if you stick to proper nutrition, then extra pounds will not come from anywhere.

6. Myth: oral contraceptives cause cancer

Actually: no direct link was found between oncology and the use of hormonal contraceptives. The truth is that you cannot take oral contraceptives if you have a hormone-dependent cancer. And if the body is healthy and the gynecologist has selected the right drug, then the fears are in vain. Experts believe that hormonal contraceptives can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.

7. Myth: the calendar method – what could be easier

Actually: the period favorable for fertilization lasts about 6 days – 3 days before and 3 days after ovulation (sperm live long). Ovulation occurs ideally between the 11th and 15th days of the menstrual cycle. But this is theory. The hormonal system of the female body is influenced by many factors, so the release of an egg can occur on almost any day of the cycle. And it is unlikely that in a fit of passion you will begin to make calculations in your mind. That is why the calendar is one of the most unreliable methods of protection. But for the conception of a baby, ovulation is calculated using basal temperature. But that’s a completely different story.

8. Myth: an intrauterine device is an unreliable remedy

Actually: During the research, the doctors found out: it happens that the spiral shifts, grows into the mucous membrane, or there were some other “problems” with it. There is also an opinion that spirals can only be placed on women who have given birth. But don’t believe in horror stories. The safety of this method of protection depends on how competent and experienced the doctor will put the spiral, and on how meticulously you will monitor your health – the spiral must be changed at the appointed time. As for the fact that only those who have given birth can put it, this is also a myth. This method of contraception has no such contraindications.

9. Myth: pills “in the morning” always help out

Actually: hormonal drugs to terminate a possible pregnancy at the earliest possible date are an emergency aid. It should only be used in the most extreme cases. The fact is that the action of the pills breaks the usual menstrual cycle and can result in profuse bleeding. Therefore, you can take drugs only after consulting a doctor and only in emergency situations.

Myth 10: traditional methods work.

Actually: old methods of protection, such as douching with potassium permanganate, chamomile, taking a hot bath, is a dense myth of the times of our grandmothers, which has absolutely no scientific basis. Mechanical removal of sperm does not affect the process of penetration into the egg. After intercourse, processes occur inside the body that cannot be influenced with the help of water. And solutions like potassium permanganate can harm the mucous membrane. A hot bath is nothing more than a hygiene product. During pregnancy, the doctor may recommend abstaining from it, but for completely different reasons that have nothing to do with contraception.

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