Real ginger is a very pleasant edible mushroom that is widespread in Our Country. To appreciate the beneficial qualities of the fungus, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics and find out how it looks.

Where do mushrooms grow

You can meet a real camelina mainly in coniferous forests, but sometimes fungi are also found in mixed forest plantations, the main thing is that pine trees grow nearby. Usually, the fruiting bodies of true saffron milk caps appear in forest clearings and edges, in clearings, and are territorially found in the Urals, Siberia, and in the northern regions of the middle lane.

Alone, real mushrooms practically do not grow, usually in one place you can find a whole group of mushrooms. However, the search is greatly complicated by the color – the fungi merge with the pine bark and fallen needles, and the mushroom pickers have to look very carefully under their feet.

What real redheads look like

Pine, or real camelina, is a low fungus that rises an average of 5-7 cm above the ground. The photo of the pine camelina shows that at a young age its hat is flat and slightly convex, but subsequently becomes wider, up to 15 cm in diameter, and takes the form of a funnel. There are light stripes at the edges of the cap, and the edges of young fungi themselves are slightly wrapped inward. The lower surface of the hat is covered with orange plates.

As you can see in the photo of a real camelina, its leg is cylindrical in shape and hollow from the inside. Both the cap and the stem have the same orange-red tint, but if you touch the stem of the mushroom, it will quickly turn green. Under the influence of air, both the orange pulp at the break and the reddish milky juice that the broken camelina releases acquire a green tint under the influence of air. For a real camelina, a pleasant fruity smell emanating from a fresh fungus is characteristic.

Is it possible to eat pine mushrooms

Mushrooms pine mushrooms are classified as edible fungi of the 1st category. This means that you can not only eat them, they are very tasty and bring significant benefits to the body. It should be noted that the processing for real fungi is minimal – they can not even be soaked, but immediately subjected to salting, frying or boiling.

The taste of the mushroom

According to their taste, real mushrooms are inferior only to porcini mushrooms, therefore they are considered a delicacy product. Fresh mushrooms have a bitter taste in taste, but after processing it becomes soft and pleasant.

Most often, a real orange mushroom is salted and pickled, it can also be fried. Mushroom mushrooms are not suitable for drying, but in salted and pickled form they retain a dense structure and bright color, do not break or crumble. The beauty of cooked real mushrooms is another reason for their high popularity.

Common camelina (real, autumn, delicacy): description and photo

Benefits and harm to the body

Eating real mushrooms is not only tasty, but also very healthy.

  • A bright red-orange color indicates a high content of vitamin A in the pulp. Carotene has powerful antioxidant properties, strengthens the immune system and lowers cholesterol, helps fight inflammation.
  • Riboflavin and thiamine are present in real mushrooms, these substances are useful for the nervous and muscular systems, so the use of real mushrooms has a beneficial effect on endurance, vigor and emotional state.
  • Fungi contain an antibiotic called lactarioviolin, which inhibits the growth of many pathogenic bacteria, including tubercle bacillus. Due to the presence of lactarioviolin in the composition, real camelina is considered practically harmless and needs minimal heat treatment before use.

Mushrooms also contain iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, a large number of amino acids and proteins. A real mushroom has a good effect on digestion, and it can also be safely consumed on a regular or vegetarian diet, it saturates well, but does not contribute to weight gain.

With all the useful properties, this fungus also has certain contraindications. It is not recommended to eat it when:

  • gastritis with a low level of acidity;
  • pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
  • problems with the gallbladder;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • chronic kidney diseases.
Important! Also, it is better to refuse the use of pregnant women and nursing mothers. A real camelina, like any mushroom, is contraindicated for small children under 5 years old, the product is too heavy for a child’s digestion, and even the highest quality mushrooms may simply not be absorbed by a growing body.

False doubles

Mushrooms real mushrooms have a fairly recognizable appearance – it is very difficult to confuse them with others. However, some fungi bear little resemblance to pine mushrooms.

True saffron mushrooms do not have frankly poisonous twins, however, errors in collection can still lead to serious consequences. Some specimens, similar to real camelina, can only be consumed after long-term processing and in minimal quantities.

amber milky

An inedible yellowish-red or reddish-buff mushroom resembles a real one in structure, although it differs quite a lot in color. If you break the cap of the amber milkweed, it will release a watery milk that dries quickly in the air.

Common camelina (real, autumn, delicacy): description and photo

It is quite easy to recognize the amber milker by its characteristic unpleasant odor; it emits a spicy aroma of chicory. The taste of its flesh is very bitter, therefore, the fungus is not used for food purposes.

pink wave

This fungus is also similar to a young real camelina in its size and shape, similarities can be traced in the structure of the cap – the fringed edges of the upper part of the wave are also wrapped down.

Common camelina (real, autumn, delicacy): description and photo

At the same time, the pink wave is painted in a soft pink color. There are other differences – volnushki do not grow in coniferous, but in deciduous forests and form a symbiosis with birches. If you break the pulp of the wave, it will release a white milky juice, but this juice will not darken in the air.

Attention! Volnushka refers to edible mushrooms, but it is better not to confuse it with real camelina. It needs much longer processing and, when consumed half-baked, can cause poisoning.

Large milky

A conditionally edible mushroom may resemble a young real camelina in its shape and, moreover, prefers similar places for growth. But this mushroom has a grayish-brown cap and, when broken, emits a faint coconut aroma, and the white milky juice does not begin to darken when exposed to air.

Common camelina (real, autumn, delicacy): description and photo

You can use a large milker for food, but it needs to be soaked and salted for a long time. Therefore, it is better not to confuse the mushroom with real camelina, requiring minimal processing.

Milky fragrant

A small fungus with a beige or ocher-brown hat smells strongly of coconut, and the white juice that stands out from the broken pulp retains its color in the air. It is rather difficult to confuse a mushroom with a young real camelina, but caution is still necessary. In food, fragrant milky is used only as a spicy seasoning or subjected to a very long salting.

Common camelina (real, autumn, delicacy): description and photo

Collection rules

The first real mushrooms appear in coniferous and mixed forests already in July, but during this period there are quite a few of them. The main peak of fruiting occurs in August and September, when orange fungi are found next to pines in large groups. You can find mushrooms in the forest until frost, for this reason the fungus is classified as late.

Especially a lot of real fungi grows after rains, it is at this time that it is recommended to go in search. When collecting, you need to look especially carefully under your feet in order to notice bright orange hats of real mushrooms in the fallen brownish needles.

To collect autumn saffron mushrooms, you should use a sharply sharpened knife. It is impossible to pull mushrooms out of the ground along with the “roots” – this destroys the mycelium, and subsequently tasty and healthy fruiting bodies no longer grow in the same place.

Attention! It is necessary to collect fungi only in areas that are clean from an environmental point of view, away from roads and other objects that pollute the air. Their pulp well absorbs all toxic substances from wind and precipitation, and given that mushrooms are not processed for a long time, this can be dangerous.

How to cook porcini mushroom

Theoretically, real fungi can be eaten even raw, after cleaning them of debris, washing and properly sprinkled with salt. However, more often fungi are still processed.

  • Boiled orange caps are often added to vegetable salads. The dish not only acquires interesting shades of taste, but also pleases with its appearance – bright red mushrooms decorate the salad.
  • You can cook pine mushrooms by roasting, they are often served with potatoes, porridge, fish or meat dishes.
  • You can use boiled mushrooms as a filling for pies or pancakes – the products are very tasty and nutritious.
  • You can pickle mushroom mushrooms for the winter or pickle them – this allows you to save mushrooms for all the winter months. Before salting, it is recommended to scald fungi with boiling water, this procedure allows you to save the bright color of the pulp.
Advice! You can pickle and salt autumn camelina not only alone, but also together with other mushrooms. For example, a mushroom platter of milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps and mushrooms will please you with a pleasant taste. Orange real fungus will give the salting a very appetizing aroma and exquisite taste.

Common camelina (real, autumn, delicacy): description and photo

Application in medicine

Since real fungi have a rich vitamin composition, they are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine.

  • Mushrooms have strong strengthening properties, so feasting on their pulp is useful for a cold or in the process of recovering from a serious illness.
  • Mushrooms are of great benefit in diseases of the respiratory tract. You can eat them when coughing, with bronchitis and even with tuberculosis – fungi fight infections, bacteria and viruses, heal and renew the body.
  • In the composition of real mushrooms there is a substance that alleviates the condition in case of joint ailments. You can use fungi for rheumatism, arthritis and other inflammatory diseases of bone tissue.
  • Fungi effectively treat dermatological ailments, they not only improve the appearance of the skin, but also help to cope with vitiligo.

The anti-inflammatory properties of gourmet mushrooms are highly valued in folk medicine. For cuts and insect bites in the forest, you can simply attach a piece of mushroom to a fresh injury. Useful substances in the composition of its pulp will contribute to the disinfection of the wound, relieve pain and accelerate healing.


Real camelina is a very tasty mushroom from the gourmet category. It is actively used in cooking in almost any form, consumed boiled or salted for the winter. Eating pine mushrooms is good for health – fungi have a beneficial effect on all body systems.

Pine ginger. In the forest and on the table.

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