Commander plus for processing potatoes before planting: reviews

When growing potatoes, one of the main problems that any gardener faces is protecting potato bushes from attacks by various pests and, above all, the Colorado potato beetle. This overseas guest, who has been living in our area not so long ago, only since the 50s of the last century, has already managed to annoy everyone with his voracity and insatiability.

If you do not fight him, he is able to destroy all plantings of potatoes in one season, and then switch to other garden plants of the nightshade family: tomatoes, eggplants, sweet peppers, physalis and others. Therefore, what kind of methods have not been invented by gardeners to deal with this glutton and protect their potato plantings.

Commander plus for processing potatoes before planting: reviews

A lot of so-called folk remedies are completely ineffective, and no matter how sorry, but you have to turn to chemical preparations for help. Currently, several dozens of various drugs have been registered to combat the Colorado potato beetle, but even among them it is difficult to find a drug that would act with 100% efficiency. One of these drugs is Commander.

Commander plus for processing potatoes before planting: reviews

At least the reviews about him are mostly very positive.

Description and characteristics of the drug

Komandor is a contact-intestinal insecticide that has a systemic effect. That is, when applied to different parts of the plant, it is able to quickly penetrate into plant cells and spread throughout all plant organs. Usually their action is not as fast as that of contact preparations, but longer and more reliable.

Commander plus for processing potatoes before planting: reviews

The commander is considered quite effective against a variety of sucking and gnawing insect pests: the Colorado potato beetle, whitefly, bear, aphids, thrips, wireworms, psyllids and many others. Its action is based on the fact that, having penetrated the body of the pest, it completely blocks its nervous system. Because of this, insects cannot eat, move, and soon die. Commander equally well acts both on adult insects and on larvae.

Important! The big advantage of the Commander is that the insects have not yet developed habituation to it. Although, as practice shows, this may be a temporary effect.

The main active ingredient of the Commander is imidacloprid, vrk 200g/l.

For the destruction of insect pests, the following forms of treatment using the Commander can be used:

  • spraying;
  • Watering the soil;
  • Treatment of seeds and tubers.

Commander is a water-soluble concentrate. It is usually packaged in small containers: 1 ml ampoules and 10 ml vials.

Commander plus for processing potatoes before planting: reviews

The drug Commander has the following advantages:

  • It is a systemic drug that provides long-term protection of planted potato bushes for 20-30 days.
  • Economical in use: only 10 ml of the drug is needed to process 10 acres.
  • Effectively acts against many types of insect pests.
  • Does not cause resistance.
  • It retains high protective properties even in hot weather, which is important for residents of the southern regions.
  • Maintains stability even in rainy weather.

Commander refers to substances that pose a moderate danger to humans (hazard class 3).

Warning! For bees, the active ingredient of the Commander is very dangerous, so treatments should not be carried out during the flowering of potatoes.

When working with the drug, it is necessary to observe the usual safety measures for such substances: protect the skin of the body with protective clothing, shoes, gloves, goggles and a respirator. Never use food utensils to prepare the working solution. At the end of the treatments, you need to wash your hands and face with soap, be sure to rinse your mouth and wash clothes.

Commander plus for processing potatoes before planting: reviews

Using the Commander for processing potato tubers

After a detailed acquaintance with the instructions for using the Commander, perhaps many will no longer want to mess with spraying potato bushes. Moreover, for this it is still necessary to wait for the onset of ideal calm weather. This is where the wonderful property of this drug comes to the aid of gardeners.

Attention! The commander is able to protect future potato bushes from the Colorado potato beetle and other pests by treating potato tubers before planting.

It is only necessary to take into account that the protective effect of the drug is not very long, about 20-30 days. According to the manufacturer, the protective effect of the Commander is maintained from the first shoots to the appearance of 5-6 leaves on a potato bush.

Advice! Subsequently, it will be necessary to take any additional measures to protect potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle.

Commander plus for processing potatoes before planting: reviews

So, the processing of planting tubers by the Commander is carried out immediately before they are planted in the ground. To obtain 10 liters of the finished working solution, proceed as follows: dilute 2 ml of the Commander preparation in one liter of water. Then, with constant stirring, bring the volume of the solution to 10 liters. After that, germinated potato tubers prepared for planting are laid out on a flat surface, preferably covering it with a film. And they are carefully sprayed on one side with the Commander’s working solution. Gently turning the tubers over to the other side, spray again. After that, after drying the potato tubers a little, they can be planted in the ground.

Interestingly, the Commander can be mixed with many growth regulators and fungicides, such as Epin, Zircon, Maxim. Warning! Only mixing with drugs that have an alkaline reaction is contraindicated.

Therefore, before setting up experiments, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions.

Commander Plus

Commander plus for processing potatoes before planting: reviews

To make life even easier for gardeners and summer residents, a modified Komandor plus preparation was released a few years ago. Its main purpose is precisely the processing of potatoes before planting. The composition contains two bottles: one with the Commander, the other with Energen AQUA. Energen Aqua consists of potassium salts of humic acids and is used to increase the yield of potatoes, protect them from stressful conditions. It also helps to reduce the amount of nitrates in grown potatoes. To prepare a working solution, first the required amount of Energen AQUA, then Commander, is dissolved in a small amount of water, and the solution is brought to the required volume with constant stirring. The resulting solution is used to process potatoes in the same way as a regular Commander.

Commander plus for processing potatoes before planting: reviews

Feedback on using the Commander

The commander is quite popular among both gardeners and summer residents, so reviews about him are mostly positive. But they use it more often for spraying and protecting already adult potato bushes from the Colorado potato beetle. However, there are those who processed potato tubers with the Commander before planting.

Larisa, 38 years old, Mr. Belorechensk
I’ve been struggling with colorado for a long time. You can, of course, collect them manually, but they are painfully disgusting in appearance, especially their larvae. You can use numerous folk remedies, but my experience shows that the beetles continue to live, despite all the sprinkling and spraying. You can also get guinea fowl – these are birds that feed on these beetles. But after all, they also need to be fed and cared for – in general, it will not work. It remains only to use chemistry, at least it is effective. What I just didn’t try and tablets, and capsules, and powders. It turned out that the most convenient and effective are liquid concentrates. I’ve been using Commander for several years now. So far he hasn’t let me down. I have recommended it to all my friends and they seem to be happy as well. There is a very handy measuring cup in the package, and I use it in order to measure the right amount. We have planted about three acres of potatoes. Just one bucket is enough for all of them. And it only has 2 ml of this product. I spray, and when the next day I come and check, I no longer find the beetles. More precisely, they lie, but already all are dead under the bushes – both larvae and adults. Yes, I read on the package that this substance is not washed off by rain. Unfortunately, this is not true. It is washed off, so after the rain it is better to repeat everything. The Commander is stored for 3 years, so I hope it will be enough for the next year.
Sergey, 44 years old, Morshansk
I bought the Commander in a store, so the saleswoman said that buyers say that it is effective when you dilute 2 bottles into 3 buckets. Well, I don’t need that much. I wanted to try to process the tubers first, and then we’ll see. I spread everything according to the instructions, sprinkled it like it should. He dried it and on the same day my brother and I quickly planted it. We have a small vegetable garden, it took two acres for potatoes. The potatoes rose normally, I even forgot about him. Approached several times – indeed, there seems to be no beetle. Well, I relaxed. And when it bloomed, I look – and they are already right there. For the sake of experiment, I decided to leave half of the bushes as they are, and sprinkle the other again with the same Commander, it remained after the spring processing. So, those potato bushes that we processed remained intact. And others still ate the Colorado well.
Olga, 48 years old, Lipetsk
Before sowing potatoes, I usually germinate it, cut it, and try to soak it in all sorts of stimulants and fertilizers. And then they suggested to me that, it turns out, you can pickle it so that even the colorado will not come close. I was scared at first, but I decided to try. I bought what they advised me, the Commander is called. All bred according to the instructions. A lot of hassle, of course, with processing, while you spray them all. But I’ve planted it and I’m waiting. The potatoes have risen, everything is fine. It has already warmed up, the weather has improved, but there is no beetle. I couldn’t even believe my luck at first. But closer to flowering, he still appeared. I had to spray it again with the same remedy, it’s good at least it remains. And I didn’t see him again until the very digging of potatoes. So I think it’s a good remedy, this Commander. And it doesn’t smell bad. However, you still need to defend yourself.


Commander plus for processing potatoes before planting: reviews

It is obvious that the Komandor drug does a good job of protecting potatoes. Expect miracles from him, of course, is also not worth it. But when choosing a suitable potato protection against various pests, and primarily from the Colorado potato beetle, you should pay attention to this drug.


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