Come up with a fairy tale (grade 3, grade 5 in literature)
Often homework assignments baffle not only children, but also their parents. The exercise in which you need to come up with a fairy tale seems especially difficult, because despite the developed imagination, most children end up with some kind of nonsense. In fact, this literature assignment is not that difficult. It is enough to connect imagination and push the child in the right direction, then an excellent mark is provided to him.
How to come up with a fairy tale for grade 3
Magic stories give a child the opportunity to plunge into a fantastic world, and develop such concepts as courage, loyalty and kindness. In addition, fantasy and creative thinking develops thanks to the fairy tale building. In addition, the student learns to express thoughts in a connected manner and enriches his vocabulary.
It’s not so difficult to come up with a fairy tale, the main thing is to connect imagination.
As a rule, children have no problems with imagination, and it is not difficult for them to come up with a small fairy tale. But if something goes wrong, and the child cannot tell his magical story in any way, then you can help him with this using the following techniques:
- Read the story with your child and try to dream up and change reality a little. For example, think about what would happen if a turnip or a kolobok had not been pulled out to meet a crocodile, not a fox. This approach will help develop creative thinking.
- When reading a story, stop in the middle and invite your child to come up with the end of the story on their own. If it is difficult for the baby, then help him with leading questions.
- Invite your child to combine several characters in one story. For example, Gingerbread Man can go to visit Ryaba Hen, and Snow White can go to Cinderella’s ball.
In addition, invite your child to bring a favorite toy to life and come up with what adventures the doll or teddy bear has had.
How to come up with a fairy tale for grade 5
Schoolchildren of this age are already quite developed. Therefore, they need to come up with a more voluminous work. In order to cope with the task, it is best to immediately draw up a plan for the fairy tale. It should consist of the following points:
- The beginning of the story. In this part of the story, we are talking about how it all began.
- The main action. Here the child must tell how the heroes find a way out of this situation.
- Interchange. Since this is a fairy tale, it is desirable that the goodies win at the end. Whatever one may say, such a story should teach a child to distinguish good from evil.
Coming up with a fairy tale is not that difficult. The main thing is to give the child a little fantasy and help the student to correctly draw up a plan for the work. Then an excellent mark awaits him for his work.