Pear Tenderness is a variety of selection, has good winter hardiness and high yield. Brings tasty sweet fruits of the correct form. Not included in the register, but known to many summer residents. The culture is unpretentious, does not impose special requirements for care.
History of breeding
About pear Tenderness there is not enough detailed data. It is known that it was bred on the basis of the Michurin Institute of Genetics and Breeding (located in the Tambov region). The authors were the breeders Yakovlevs (father and son). Two varieties were taken into work – Theme and Clapp.
The result was a variety of pear Tenderness. It is still not included in the register of breeding achievements in Our Country. At the same time, winter hardiness is quite high, so the culture has spread in different regions. Mention of it can be found on the forums of amateur gardeners.
Description of the pear variety Tenderness with a photo
In the description of the pear variety, the main characteristics of the tree and fruits are given. Among them, the shape of pears, their color, weight, and others are mentioned.
Pear tree Tenderness is quite high, reaches 4 m. Young shoots are thin, grow very quickly. The color of the bark is brown with grayish tints. Visible white lenticels. Skeletal branches are rare, grow well, thanks to which the Tenderness pear tree acquires a voluminous shape. The density is moderate, the crown is quite sparse, which makes it easier to care for and harvest.
The leaves of the variety Tenderness are quite large, shine in the sun, a little leathery. The color is dark green, the shape is elongated-ovoid, finely serrated along the edges. At the tops there are small points, the petioles are pale green, long, the wedge is rounded. The veins are also light green in color, creating a beautiful pattern on the leaf plate. Fruiting occurs on such types of branches as kolchatka and fruit bags.
Pear flowers of the Tenderness variety are of a simple type, consist of five petals, the color is white. The aroma is strong and pronounced. Flowering of medium and late terms, begins in May. In early summer, ovaries are formed, the fruits ripen by autumn.
Variety Tenderness gives medium and large pears weighing 100-150 g (individual specimens up to 200 g). They are quite wide, the correct symmetrical shape. The color is bright green at first, then becomes yellowish as it matures. At the same time, there is a pink blush on the surface, but it is quite blurry, does not have clear contours.

Pear fruits Tenderness have the correct shape
Subcutaneous points of a grayish color are noticeable, there are quite a few of them. Saucer pear Tenderness is small and shallow, the cups are open. The stalks are moderately long and not too thick.
Characteristic of the variety
Among the characteristics of the pear variety Tenderness, summer residents are most often interested in taste, winter hardiness, yield index, and others. These options are shown below.
The taste of Tenderness pears is moderately pleasant, with a balance of sweet and sour. At tastings, it receives satisfactory and good ratings – 3-4 points out of 5. The pulp contains a lot of sugars – 21% of the mass fraction. Acids in total occupy no more than 0,35%. In 100 pulp, vitamin C was found in the amount of 17 mg (20% of the daily norm), as well as catechins in the amount of 10,4 mg per 100 g.
Terms of maturation
Pear variety Tenderness begins to yield from the last decade of August to the first half of September. Young trees bear fruit in their fourth year, and it is best to plan to plant two-year-old seedlings.
The yield of the Tenderness variety is quite high – up to 40 kg of pears can be harvested from one adult tree. Dessert-type fruits are consumed fresh. They can also be used for compotes and other preparations.
Frost resistance
In the description of the pear variety Tenderness, it is said that winter hardiness is quite high. The tree rarely suffers from frost, but if there is a thaw in winter, the fruit buds may die.
Pear pollinators Tenderness
Data on the self-fertility of the pear variety Tenderness is not presented. However, judging by the parent pair, it can be said that the variety can only partially form fruits on its own. Therefore, pollinators with similar flowering periods should be planted on the site, for example:
- Autumn Yakovleva;
- Lada;
- Augustovskaya.

Lada is one of the suitable pollinators for pear varieties Tenderness
Growing regions
Since winter hardiness is quite high, it is possible to grow a variety in most regions of Central Our Country:
- middle lane;
- the Volga region;
- Chernozem region;
- southern regions.
However, due to severe frosts, the trees can be significantly damaged, some of the buds will die. Therefore, cultivation in the Urals and in the northern regions is almost impossible.
Resistance to diseases
Pear Tenderness tolerates many diseases well. If you create the right conditions, the tree will not suffer from infections or pests. However, preventive treatments are required. In summer, trees must be inspected for the presence of insects. If necessary, spraying is carried out using solutions of insecticides or folk remedies.
Advantages and disadvantages
Pear Tenderness is primarily valued for its good yield and winter hardiness. But information about the taste qualities is contradictory – in some sources they are characterized as mediocre, in others as good, with a clear predominance of sweet notes.

The culture is resistant to various diseases and pests, it is quite easy to care for it.
- high yield;
- sufficient immunity;
- winter hardiness;
- large-fruited;
- the pulp is juicy, sweet.
- data on taste qualities are contradictory;
- keeping quality is low;
- kidneys can suffer from a thaw in winter.
Rules of landing
They try to plant a pear variety Tenderness in the spring – in the middle, second half of April, so that the tree has time to take root and adapt to the first winter. Although in the south, landing can be planned for autumn, right up to the beginning of November. Seedlings are bought in nurseries, from trusted suppliers with good reviews.
The place is chosen in advance, based on the following criteria:
- fully open, well lit;
- lack of proximity to large trees;
- without moisture stagnation (lowlands are excluded);
- deep groundwater (maximum height 2 m);
- free air flow (close proximity to garages, houses and other buildings should be excluded).

You can grow a pear Tenderness only in well-lit places.
The soil should be loose and fertile, loam with a slightly acidic or neutral pH of 6-7 is optimal. Preparations begin in advance – the soil is dug up and a bucket of compost or humus is added per square meter. If the density is high, it is also necessary to close up sawdust or sand up to 5 kg in the same area.
When landing, they act like this:
- Dig holes with a depth and diameter of 80-100 cm at intervals of at least 4 m.
- Place a wooden stake.
- Fall asleep a layer of stones.
- They put the seedling in the center and bury it with fertile soil.
- Then they are rammed so that the root neck remains slightly above the surface (literally 2 cm).
- Tie the seedling to the peg with a rope.
- Water and mulch.
Features of care
Caring for pear varieties Tenderness is not very difficult. Young seedlings need weekly watering, adult trees are given water 1-2 times a month, and in drought – 2 times more often. The liquid must be pre-settled. So that the soil does not become dry, it is mulched. Periodically loosen, do weeding.
Fertilizers are applied starting from the second season. In the spring they give urea, ammonium nitrate, during flowering and the formation of ovaries, they are watered with a solution of complex fertilizer or a mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate is given. It is desirable to alternate mineral compositions with organic matter (mullein 1:10, litter 1:20).
Every spring, formative and sanitary pruning of the Tenderness pear is done. Weakened and frost-affected branches are removed. At the same time, spraying with Bordeaux liquid or other fungicides is carried out.

Regular feeding and watering ensures a good harvest
In summer, the condition of the trees must be monitored. When spider mites, leafworms, aphids and other pests invade, they are treated with insecticides, for example:
- “Fufanon”;
- “Decis”;
- “Aktara”;
- “Karate”.
It is also allowed to use folk remedies – a solution of laundry soap, wood ash, tobacco dust, celandine. They are used during fruiting, when treatment with many chemicals is prohibited for safety reasons.
Collection and storage
The collection of pears of the Tenderness variety begins from late August to mid-September. They are removed in several steps, while conducting a tasting.
Pears should be stored in a narrow temperature range from -1 to +1. The place should be dark, damp (90-95%) and well ventilated. It is not possible to provide such conditions in the refrigerator. Therefore, pears are often kept in the basement or cellar.
As already mentioned, the Tenderness variety does not differ in keeping quality. Therefore, even if the rules are observed, fruits can be stored for no more than a month. Their transportability is also low – if you need to transport over long distances, harvest should be a few days earlier.
Pear Tenderness has many benefits. It bears fruits of normal size with juicy, sweet pulp. They can be used fresh or sent for processing. The variety is not picky about care, so even a novice gardener can breed it.