The columnar pear is a special kind of culture, the existence of which is often called into question. This group includes varieties with certain characteristics. They may be natural or resulting from vaccination.
Are there columnar pears
Opinions about the existence of columnar pears are divided. Some believe that this is the name of the usual dwarf varieties. Others consider columnar pears separately. They are really usually small in height, because they are grafted onto a dwarf rootstock. These varieties are also distinguished by a compact crown and the formation of strictly in one trunk. Visually reflects the features of the columnar pear tree photo.

A popular representative of the columnar pear is the Dutch variety Night Vert, trees do not exceed 2 m in height
Advantages and disadvantages
Gardeners are increasingly choosing columnar-type crops. Such pears have the following advantages:
- compact size;
- precociousness;
- high yields;
- space saving – the planting scheme allows a small interval between trees;
- easier to harvest.
There are columnar varieties and disadvantages:
- short life expectancy (usually up to 15 years);
- demanding care.
The best varieties of columnar (dwarf) pears
Gardeners are increasingly choosing columnar crops, because breeders are actively working in this direction, bringing out new varieties. Some representatives of this group have already established themselves as the best.
This columnar variety belongs to late summer. Harvested in the second half of August. Characteristics of the Decora variety:
- height no more than 2 m;
- the crown is narrow and vertical, but prone to thickening;
- life expectancy 15-20 years;
- pear-shaped fruits of 200-250 g;
- uniform yellow-green color of the skin;
- juicy and tender pulp has a granular texture;
- pronounced aroma;
- good transportability.
Decora belongs to the sweet varieties of columnar pears. Its fruits are consumed fresh, and are also used for any kind of processing. The variety is also suitable for whole-fruit canning.
Decora brings the first crops for 2-3 years. Her fertility is stable. From the tree harvest up to 20 kg.
Decora is a self-fertile crop. At the same time, pollinators are needed for a good harvest. In this capacity, the following varieties are suitable:
- Lada;
- In memory of Yakovlev;
- Chizhovskaya.
Pollinators of columnar pears are selected so that the timing of flowering coincides.

The columnar variety Decora has low winter hardiness – the tree can withstand without shelter up to -20 ° C
Sapphira belongs to the late varieties of the columnar pear. The crop is harvested in mid-September, and it reaches consumer maturity by October. The main characteristics of the variety:
- height up to 2-3 m;
- leaf plates are large, rounded in shape;
- pear-shaped fruits of heterogeneous size – weight from 50 to 350 g;
- the integumentary color is green, there is a slight yellowness and a pink-burgundy blush on the south side;
- the white pulp has a creamy shade, good juiciness;
- sweet and sour taste;
- frost resistance up to -25 °
Columnar pear Sapphire brings the first harvest in the third year. The tree reaches its maximum performance by 6 years of age. During this period, a crop of 10-15 kg can be harvested from a tree.
The variety is not suitable for long-term storage. If you do not collect the fruits in a timely manner, they will remain on the branches, but the taste will deteriorate.

The columnar variety Sapphira has immunity to scab and bacterial burn
Carmen is a representative of the early varieties of columnar pears. He is currently on state trials. To breed a hybrid, Daughter Blankova and Williams Krasnaya were crossed. The resulting summer variety has the following characteristics:
- fast growth;
- the crown is compact and narrowly pyramidal with branches extending at an acute angle;
- the color of the shoots is brownish-brown;
- the foliage has a reddish tint, the surface is shiny, the shape of the plates is round-elliptical, the size is average;
- fruits of a short pear-shaped form, 120-170 g each, individual specimens are twice as large;
- dry skin has a burgundy color when removed, and brownish-red at the time of consumer maturity;
- subcutaneous points in large numbers;
- light creamy flesh has a moderate density, semi-oily texture, good juiciness;
- the taste is sour-sweet, there is no astringency;
- light fragrance.
The columnar pear Carmen reaches harvest maturity by mid-August. The variety is summer, therefore the consumer period is short – up to a crescent.
Carmen begins to bear fruit in the fifth year. Its yield with frost resistance is at an average level.
Among the advantages of the columnar variety Carmen is a small-sized crown and full color of the fruit. The compactness of the trees allows planting more than 1000 of them per 1 ha.

The disadvantage of the columnar pear Carmen is the slow increase in yield, but the variety has resistance to septoria and scab
The columnar pear Delight is an autumn variety. Harvested in early September. Main characteristics:
- small oval leaves;
- fruits of 110-160 g;
- uneven yellow coloration, subcutaneous dots are often present, rusty skin;
- juicy pulp has moderate density and oiliness;
- sweet honey taste;
- pronounced aroma;
- purpose is universal;
- frost resistance up to -20 °C;
- yield up to 20 kg per tree.
The columnar pear Delight belongs to partially self-fertile varieties. Cross-pollination is essential for good yields.

The harvest of the columnar pear Rapture is recommended to be harvested in several stages as it ripens – this approach increases the keeping quality of the fruit
How to grow a columnar pear
Columnar pears are planted both in spring and autumn. The first option is recommended for colder regions. Spring planting provides time for successful establishment, adaptation and preparation for winter. Scheduled for March-April. Autumn planting is carried out until October, until frost sets in.
For the successful growth and development of a columnar pear, it is important to choose the right site:
- fertile soil;
- good air and moisture permeability of the soil;
- protection against strong wind, drafts;
- good lighting;
- no water stagnation.
For planting, it is better to choose annual seedlings of columnar pears. Be sure to check them out. Mechanical damage and signs of disease are not allowed. The root system should not be dry.
The landing pit is prepared in advance. The optimal depth is 0,8 m, the diameter is 20 cm smaller. A bucket of water is poured into the dug hole, after it is completely absorbed, humus and sifted sand are added. Fertile soil is mixed with 0,2 kg of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium sulfate. From a third of the volume obtained, an embankment is made in the pit. Five days later, a bucket of water is poured in again.
Before planting, the seedling is recommended to be placed in a bucket of water for at least eight hours. The next algorithm is:
- Install support.
- Place the seedling on the embankment, straightening the roots.
- Fill the hole so that the root neck is at the level of the surface.
- Compact the earth.
- Water the tree generously.
The planting pattern depends on the variety. Between the trees leave at least 0,5-1 m.
How to care for a columnar pear
Caring for a columnar pear should be comprehensive. The main activities are standard, among them watering and tree formation are especially important.

With a plentiful harvest, rationing is carried out to increase the size of the fruit.
Pruning and shaping the crown of a columnar pear
Be sure to form a columnar pear. The process begins in the second year of growing a tree. Leave 1 central conductor and make sure that the apical kidney is healthy and whole. When it is damaged, the growth of additional shoots begins. In this case, the strongest one is left, and the rest are removed.
It is better to prune columnar pears in April or August. The central conductor is shortened by 15 cm in spring, and long shoots in autumn by a third.
A mandatory measure is the sanitary pruning of the columnar pear. It should touch branches that:
- damaged;
- dried up;
- sick;
- frozen.
If the central conductor develops poorly, then it is cut off. Leave 2-3 buds. From 7-8 years old, anti-aging pruning begins.
If in the first year after planting the columnar pear blossomed, the buds should be cut off. This will improve the growth and development of the tree. Inflorescences are removed for next year, but not all. It is enough to leave 4-5 fruits.

In the spring, before sap flow, all side branches growing to the sides are cut off, leaving two buds
The columnar pear must be watered. Moisturizing is especially important after planting, while the tree takes root. During this period, watering is done 3-4 times a week. Mulching is used to conserve moisture.
For irrigation, a small depression is formed around the perimeter of the near-stem circle. Water is poured into it, and not on a tree.
Top dressing of a columnar pear
If you properly prepare the planting pit, then next time fertilizers are applied only in the second year of cultivation. When feeding columnar pears, it is important to alternate organic and mineral compositions.
In the spring, a single application of humus is recommended, but not more than once every 2-3 years. Such top dressing is combined with loosening. From organic matter, slurry and chicken manure are also used.
During the season, mineral complexes based on potassium and phosphorus are used. In spring, nitrogen is appropriate – saltpeter or urea. The latter is diluted in water at the rate of 5 g per 1 liter. Top dressing with urea is carried out three times:
- when the first leaves appear;
- two weeks later;
- another month later.
Preparation for winter
Preparation for winter begins with the removal of garbage and plant residues. Work begins after leaf fall.
In many columnar varieties, frost resistance is not so high, therefore shelter is required for the winter. Warming will be organized when the temperature drops to -10 ° C.
Columnar pears can be covered with burlap or other suitable material, fixing it securely. To protect the near-stem circle is suitable:
- sawdust;
- straw;
- spruce paws.
The trunk is protected from rodents with roofing material. Suitable for this and spruce paws.
Another option is a frame shelter. The base is made of wood. Dry leaves or humus fall asleep inside. Needles and straw are also suitable. For additional insulation, agro-fiber or other suitable material is used, securely fixing it.

Trees up to three years old are covered with an apical bud
Methods of reproduction
The most effective way to propagate columnar pears is grafting. It ensures good tree growth. As a rootstock, an ordinary pear, quince is used.
You can propagate the culture by seeds, but this process is very long and laborious. Faster results will be obtained when cuttings. Use blanks with at least five sheets. They are treated with a root-forming preparation, then added dropwise.
Disease Prevention
Caring for a dwarf pear involves the prevention of diseases and pests, although columnar varieties usually have good immunity. The following activities are important:
- spring and autumn whitewashing of trunks, skeletal branches – copper sulfate is added to the solution, a brush is used for application;
- elimination of exfoliated areas of the bark with cleaning to healthy tissues and disinfection;
- timely harvesting, plant residues, fallen fruits;
- sanitary pruning;
- autumn cleaning and burning of foliage;
- mineral top dressing subject to the norms for the introduction of substances.
To prevent scab, columnar pears are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid or urea in the spring. Fungicides are used to treat and prevent fungal diseases:
- Bordeaux liquid;
- Raek;
- Fitosporin-M;
- Horus.
Prevention is especially important in March-April, when crops are more vulnerable to fungi.
The columnar pear is valued for its small tree height and compact crown. Such varieties are more demanding for care and have a short life expectancy, but they are early-growing and have good immunity.