In the gardens of the Federation, a new type of fruit plants has recently appeared – columnar trees. During this period, a lot of positive feedback was received from gardeners about this crop. Cherry Helena is a compact plant with a bush height (no more than 3,5 m). Giving a plentiful harvest and decorating the garden, it is popular in central Our Country. It is characterized by dessert taste of red-pink berries. Photo of cherry Helena:

Columnar Cherry Helena

History of breeding

Columnar trees are of Canadian origin. One of the farmers in 1964 discovered a mutation of the apple tree, characterized by increased fruitfulness in the absence of a crown. The cultivation of fruit crops with this trait has been continued in Europe. The results obtained were highlighted and consolidated. Cherry variety Helena is an early hybrid, it grows almost only upwards. Acquiring a cylindrical crown, it has short side branches with many fruit shoots.

Description of the culture

The dimensions of the plant are not more than a meter in diameter, and reach a height of 3,5 meters. There is no significant branching. The description of the Helena columnar cherry variety regarding fruits refers it to dessert varieties.

Large berries have the following characteristics:

  • Some rigidity, external beauty, glossy sheen and ruby ​​hue.
  • In the dark red juicy pulp of medium density, pink streaks are distinguished.
  • The taste is very sweet, honey with aroma.
  • The weight of sweet cherries 12 – 15 grams is an excellent indicator.

Cherry Helena is ideal for growing in the middle lane.

Columnar Cherry Helena


Planting and caring for Helena’s Columnar Cherry includes choosing a bright location that is sheltered from the wind. If the soil is fertile enough, the best quality fruits can be obtained from the tree.

Drought resistance, winter resistance

The Helena columnar cherry tolerates frosts in the middle zone of the Federation (-40 ° C). In the first two years of life, she is covered for the winter, since the top of her head can be damaged by the cold. The tree loves watering, which is especially important when forming fruits. To get a good harvest, it is better not to expose it to drought. But cherries will not tolerate stagnant moisture either.

Pollination, flowering period and ripening period

Gardeners know that sweet cherries, as a crop, are overwhelmingly incapable of self-pollination. For this process, she needs to have a different kind of tree nearby.

Attention! The best for pollination is the Sylvia cherry, which also belongs to the columnar type.

Self-fertile Helena can only be partially.

yield, fruiting

Harvest in the middle lane ripens on June 18 or 25, which is the average time. More than 15 kg can be collected from each tree, which is a good indicator. The tree remains fruitful for 15 or 25 years. After planting, the Helena cherry takes root well. But in the same year, one should not count on fruiting. Some owners cut flowers in the first spring, trying to acclimatize the tree, leaving it with more strength. You can wait for the harvest in the third year of life.

Columnar Cherry Helena

Disease and pest resistance

The Helena variety is resistant not only to winter, but also to diseases. Therefore, and for other reasons, it is considered not requiring burdensome care. As a prophylaxis against pests and diseases, at the beginning of the spring period, before flowering, the trunks are whitewashed. And also sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following properties can be attributed to the “pluses” of Helena cherries.

  • Compact size tree.
  • Resistant to cold and disease.
  • Pretty early maturation.
  • Sufficient unpretentiousness. Easy to maintain, the tree does not require pruning.
  • The harvest is easy to harvest, the fruits are available.
  • Beautiful, tasty and juicy fruits.

The disadvantage is a small yield compared to full-sized trees. And also only partial self-pollination.


The Helena cherry is one of the most beloved types of fruit trees. Its columnar shape is convenient, the tree is never excessively tall. The compact dimensions make the entire crop accessible. Also, such selection allows you to place several varieties in a small area. Having mastered the methods of growing such sweet cherries, gardeners will be able to get a stable harvest of delicious berries. And also columnar trees will decorate the site, create an original landscape.


From gardeners received the following feedback on the columnar cherry Helena.

Elena, Novosibirsk
I have several varieties of columnar cherries on my site, including Helena. All trees grow compactly, without taking up much space, pollinate among themselves. I cover them for the winter season, I collect a good harvest. And also admire the beautiful blooms.
Vasily, Lipetsk

I chose two varieties of columnar cherries for my garden: Sylvia and Helena. Both grow well, but I cover them for the winter. Very tasty fruits, trees are suitable for the climate. I have great reviews for Helena and Sylvia cherries as varieties.

Columnar cherry

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