Columnar apple tree President: the secrets of growing

The columnar apple tree makes it possible to get a large harvest while maintaining most of the garden for other plantings. The compactness of the trees, the fruiting that justifies all expectations, the unique taste qualities of the fruits speak “for” planting such a variety of fruit trees. Apple tree “President” – one of the best domestic varieties will be the topic of this article.

About columnar apple trees

For many gardeners, it is not clear what a columnar apple tree is, and what is its key difference from ordinary fruit trees. The description should begin with the appearance of columnar trees.

Trees rarely grow above 2-2,5 meters, and their crown is very narrow and does not exceed 40 centimeters in diameter. At the same time, trees can be planted quite close to each other, which significantly saves space in the garden while maintaining the amount of the crop. The branches of this variety of apple trees grow exclusively vertically, and there is no lateral branching.

Columnar apple tree President: the secrets of growing

The columnar apple tree grows in one trunk, which every year is densely overgrown with annelids, fruit spears and twigs. A really high yield of apple trees is combined with a small size, which greatly facilitates the care and collection of fruits.

Description and characteristics

The apple tree-column “President” was bred in VSTIS by crossing apple trees of the “Vazhak” variety, which is distinguished by a columnar crown, and the “Abundant” variety.

Variety “President” is well zoned for the following regions: Moscow, Samara, Perm, as well as for the regions of the Black Earth and Non-Black Earth.

The columnar apple tree of this variety belongs to semi-dwarf trees, rarely growing above 2 meters. The crown of the apple tree is densely covered with leaves, but small, only 20 centimeters in diameter. Among the dense foliage, a large number of annelids and fruit spears are formed every year. At the same time, the trunk is dense and rigid, which allows the tree to withstand abundant harvests. The root system lies close to the surface of the earth, but at the same time it is characterized by a high density, which allows seedlings to take root faster and adapt more easily.

Columnar apple tree President: the secrets of growing

The fruits are evenly distributed along the trunk starting from 30 centimeters from the ground. Shoots are formed thick with shortened internodes. The leaves are large, dark green, glossy. Leaf plates are ovoid, flat, crenate along the edge.

The variety is characterized by early fruiting. It bears fruit with large apples weighing up to 250 grams. The shape of the apple is flattened, rounded. The peel is colored light yellow, the integumentary color occupies ⅔ of the fruit – it is a blush of light purple with shades of red. The peel itself is thin, tight, with a characteristic sheen. Seed chambers of the closed type. The fruit pulp of this variety is fine-grained, white, very juicy, sweet and sour with a persistent aroma.

The columnar apple tree blooms already in the first year of cultivation, but due to the youth of the tree, it is better to cut off all the flowers. In the fifth year of growth, a columnar apple tree produces up to 8 kilograms of apples. There are slight fluctuations in yield from year to year, both up and down. This is mainly due to the quality of tree care and weather conditions.

Columnar apple tree President: the secrets of growing

The ripening of apple trees of this variety occurs at the end of August and lasts until mid-September. Marketable qualities of apples with proper storage are preserved until the beginning of January. Apples of the “President” variety can be consumed both fresh and used for conservation, making dried fruits and as a filling for baking.

Variety “President” zoned for the middle zone and some northern regions, is characterized by high resistance to low temperatures. In fact, its winter hardiness is the same as that of Antonovka. Also, the variety shows good resistance to most diseases caused by fungus and viruses.

Planting and care

The ideal conditions for apple trees of this variety are a well-lit place, deep groundwater, and the absence of strong winds.

The landing pit must be at least 90 centimeters wide and deep. However, the width of the hole mainly depends on the size of the roots. Remember that they need to be straightened before planting.

Columnar apple tree President: the secrets of growing

The pit must be filled with a mixture of superphosphate, potassium and the top layer of the earth. If you want to supplement the mineral composition with organic fertilizers, do not forget to separate the organic matter from the roots with a layer of earth to protect the seedling from burns. After placing the seedling in the pit, it is necessary to carefully tamp the ground so that the root neck is 5-6 centimeters above ground level, and then carefully water the ground.

The variety must be fertilized several times a year, especially while the trees are young. Here is a description of the approximate composition of dressings:

  • slurry, diluted 1:10;
  • infusion of chicken manure, diluted 1:30;
  • urea – 1 tablespoon per 1 bucket of water;
  • a mixture of superphosphate (120 grams) and potassium chloride (40 grams);
  • compost 8 kilograms, superphosphate 75 grams, potassium chloride 24 grams, urea 18 grams (this composition is applied in early May to ensure good flowering and increase the immunity of the tree).

The columnar apple tree of this variety loves regular and abundant watering, since the root system is located close to the surface of the earth and cannot independently extract moisture from the bowels. Watering is best done 2 times a week.

Columnar apple tree President: the secrets of growing

Pruning of shoots is carried out in early spring, before the buds have blossomed. Also, in the spring, this variety must be sprayed with fungicides and insecticides of complex action. For the winter, it is better to close the trunk with some dense material to protect it from rodents and hares.

Diseases and pests

The variety is less susceptible to fungal diseases than ordinary types of apple trees, however, it is simply necessary to carry out preventive treatments against powdery mildew, scab, cancer and mosaic. Especially while the trees are young and more vulnerable to all sorts of diseases. The preparations “Skor”, “Topaz”, “Fitosporin” have proven themselves to be excellent.

However, the variety can be affected not only by diseases, but also by insect pests. Among them are: Schlechtendal mite, apple codling moth, aphid, red mite, leafworm, fruit moth. Corrugated paper trapping belts are used as insect control, as well as complex insecticides, for example, Ecoberin, Zircon, any preparations such as Karbofos.

Video “Column-shaped apple tree of the President variety”

In this video we will talk about the apple variety “President”. You will learn all the benefits of columnar apple trees, as well as the features of caring for them.

Columnar apple variety President

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