Columnar apple tree Currency: variety benefits, planting and care

 However, there are a large number of varieties, so choosing one is quite difficult. In this article we will talk about one of the winter-hardy varieties of apple trees. You will learn: what is remarkable about the variety, a description of the characteristics, features of growing and caring for trees.

Character traits

Variety “Valyuta” was first bred in 1986 by the efforts of VSTISP breeders in Moscow from varieties “KB6” and “OR38T17”. Because of this, the new columnar variety received the Vf gene, which reliably protects the tree from scab, allowing it not to be treated with chemicals.

It should also be noted that the trees of this variety grow dwarfed, with a compact crown, on the branches of which medium-sized deep yellow apples with a red blush on the sides ripen in October. The variety performs well when grown in central Our Country due to its resistance to low temperatures and weather changes.

Columnar apple tree Currency: variety benefits, planting and care

Early fruiting, which is characteristic of this variety, allows you to get a crop in the first year of cultivation, and in full force the variety of this apple tree bears fruit for the 4th year of growth. However, high yields persist only for 15-17 years, then the dynamics declines. True, given the compactness of the trees, they are quite easy to uproot and replace with new ones.

The winter hardiness of the variety is on the same level as the Antonovka and Melba apple trees. In addition, “Currency” has good resistance to many fungal and infectious diseases.

Peculiarities of growing

Like most columnar varieties, the variety “Valyuta” grows best and bears fruit on moist, fertile soils with good drainage. If at the same time groundwater does not lie close to the roots of trees, then the apple tree feels just fine.

It is recommended to close the trunk and lower branches for the winter to protect the tree from small rodents.

Columnar apple tree Currency: variety benefits, planting and care

Seedlings are best planted in partial shade in early spring or late fall. Considering that ripening occurs at the beginning of October, it is better to plant or transplant in mid-late October. Possessing a developed root system, young trees quickly take root in a new place.

The planting scheme is nothing special: the depth of the pit depends on the development of the roots of the seedling, as well as the width: there should be at least 50 centimeters between seedlings, and about 1 meter between rows. Often, cereals are sown in the aisle to protect the roots from damage. This method of landing is called compacted. However, the columnar apple tree grows well in sparse plantings. In this case, the trees are placed in pits with a depth and width of at least 90 centimeters, keeping a distance between them of at least 1 meter. This type of planting will allow the root system to develop more freely, which will positively affect the yield.

The main thing is that the first years of the seedling’s life should be protected from the wind. Therefore, very often young trees are planted along the fence or outbuildings.

Columnar apple tree Currency: variety benefits, planting and care

Characteristic of the variety

The columnar apple tree “Currency” bears fruit of medium size, weighing up to 200 grams. The peel is colored yellow with a well-marked blush on the sides. The peel itself is thin, but at the same time retains elasticity for a long time. Apples stay on the branches for a long time, even when they reach maturity, which distinguishes the variety from other varieties, which are often prone to ripe fruits falling off.

The variety also exhibits excellent taste qualities – the pulp is juicy, sweet with a slight sourness. The color of the pulp is white, it has a light persistent aroma. Apples are suitable both for fresh consumption and for conservation, baking and drying. However, this variety of apple trees is also distinguished by a long shelf life, up to 3-4 months.

In height, the columnar apple tree reaches approximately 2,5 meters, while in diameter it rarely exceeds 25-30 centimeters. In terms of decorativeness, this variety fits well into any garden composition. Last but not least, this is due to resistance to various diseases, because its leaves retain a presentable appearance throughout the season, they do not have spots, rot, dots, or traces of insect damage. Until mid-October, the foliage retains freshness and greenery, which distinguishes “Currency” from other varieties.

Columnar apple tree Currency: variety benefits, planting and care


The columnar apple tree does not require specific care due to its resistance to diseases and most insect pests, but at the same time, the garden should not be completely started. The first two years of life, seedlings need regular watering – at least twice a week. Pruning and shaping the appearance of apple trees begin in the second year of the tree’s life. It is necessary to completely remove the side shoots so that next year fruits develop in their place.

Columnar apple tree Currency: variety benefits, planting and care

Trees respond well to organic and mineral fertilizers, especially before the fruiting period. Freely use superphosphate, potash fertilizers, humus or complex fertilizers (read the description and dosage carefully before use).

Young seedlings must be tied up to protect them from strong winds, and the trunk and lower branches should be covered for the winter to protect them from rodents and small bark-eating animals.

If planting was done in the spring, then it is necessary to cut off all the flowers in the first year to help the tree form well. When planting in the fall, you can cut off only half of the flowers.

Video “Columnar apple trees”

In this video, the chief agronomist of the Ural Gardens nursery talks about columnar apple trees, their features, advantages, and varieties.

Features of columnar apple trees. Variety overview

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