Colostrum for children – support in the early spring period
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The spring solstice, i.e. the moment when winter ends and the coming spring finally allows you to enjoy the longed-for rays of the sun, is one of those times of the year when we most often visit family doctors with symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. Children are also affected by frequent colds in the early spring. Can they be prevented? Of course! However, it is worth taking care of protecting the body against viruses and strengthening immunity early enough so that the temperature fluctuations in March or April do not surprise us and make us spend the first days of spring in bed.

How to strengthen the child’s immunity? The important role of diet

Parents of children prone to colds should start preparing their children for early spring days as soon as possible. In addition to regular exercise, a well-balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruit, whole grains, valuable sources of protein and healthy fats plays a key role in keeping the immune system ready to fight bacteria and viruses. A good supplement to a varied and age-adjusted diet can be dietary supplements, which will be particularly helpful, inter alia, in the early spring, when children are particularly vulnerable to infections.

A very effective, and at the same time completely natural form of enriching the diet with valuable ingredients such as vitamins and minerals is giving children colostrum.

A few words about colostrum

What is colostrum and how can it help children avoid early spring colds?

As a natural regulator of the immune system, colostrum (also known as colostrum) is a substance that helps to effectively strengthen the immunity of people of all ages, including children.

Colostrum is a substance produced in the mammary glands of mammals before childbirth and up to several hours after the birth of young. It then gradually turns into milk. How is colostrum different from milk? As the first food for a newborn mammal, colostrum is designed to provide the right amount of biologically active ingredients necessary for the proper development and functioning of the body outside the mother’s womb.

About 250 factors contained in colostrum are designed to activate and stimulate the immune system of young mammals so that they are able to effectively fight the threats present in the outside world, including previously unknown bacteria and viruses. Milk, on the other hand, is a high-energy food, in which proteins, sugars and fats, valuable for the immune system, are taking up more and more space.

The vast majority of colostrum supplements on the market contain colostrum bovinum, or bovine colostrum. This is due to the fact that cows’ colostrum has a composition very similar to that of female colostrum, thanks to which it is well tolerated by humans.

Colostrum bovinum and immunity

Almost 250 biologically active factors contained in colostrum, including proteins (lactoferrin, colostrinin, lysozyme, lactalbumin, casein and others), vitamins and mineral salts, are of great importance for the development of immunity and the functioning of the immune system. It is worth noting that the immune system is considered to be one of the most complex systems in the body.

Colloquially, we associate leukocytes, i.e. white blood cells, with immunity, but not only they guard our health and fight viruses or bacteria to prevent the development of infection. The intestines also play a very important role in regulating the immune system, which is the most important place of action of the colostrum components.

Colostrum Genactiv – Your health plan | Campaign 2022

What colostrum supplement for children?

There are more and more new products on the market containing colostrum in their composition. To be sure that the product will effectively strengthen the child’s immunity, it is worth focusing on the highest quality supplement. As mentioned, within about two days of birth, the colostrum gradually turns into milk. Most beneficial factors are found in colostrum right after delivery, so if you want to choose a good supplement, you should pay attention to the time of colostrum taken by the manufacturer. The Genactiv brand uses colostrum bovinum up to two hours after calving, which means that it contains the maximum amount of valuable ingredients. What’s more, it reaches consumers in a completely natural, wholesome form. This is possible thanks to freezing and the use of the freeze-drying method involving drying at low temperatures. In this way, Genactiv supplements contain the properties of a fresh product, unprocessed colostrum.

Colostrum products designed for children

To make children eagerly reach for dietary supplements with colostrum, the Genactiv brand has proposed some interesting solutions. Colostrum for children in the form of Colostrum Junior Gencativ suspension, banana-flavored powder or raspberry lozenges is not only easy to give to several-year-olds, but also tasty.

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