Colorful life in kawaii style: 4 steps to take before the end of the year

Japanese kawaii culture is getting more and more popular. Everything cute, beautiful, that makes us happy, is denoted by the word “kawaii”. How to make your life brighter, add positive emotions? Catch the recommendations of a modern direction developer.

Kawaii* has become a trend in Japanese pop culture, entertainment, fashion, food, toys. It affected the lifestyle, behavior and perception of the environment not only by adolescents, but also by adults, regardless of gender.

The aesthetic direction of kawaii originated in Japan and gradually became part of the world culture. There are more and more people among us who like cute cats with open eyes, anime and manga characters, clothes and accessories in delicate or bright colors, with bows and ruffles.

Deep in the philosophy of kawaii lies a life-affirming message. Kawaii clothes and cute accessories help its owners to express their thoughts and aspirations, individuality, even if it happens unconsciously.

Adding some kawaii to your life is suggested by Sebastian Masuda, author of How to Find Kawaii, Gain Courage, and Love Yourself (Peter, 2022). He shares with us the secrets of Japanese culture that will help improve your mood and change your outlook on the environment.

1. Awaken your feelings

Recently, more and more young people cannot find harmony with themselves. Perhaps it is Kawaii, proclaimed by Sebastian Masudo, “the philosophy of happiness that can create a bright world that belongs only to you, a world full of things you love dearly,” will help you with this. The main thing is that this world, as in childhood, remains colorful and interesting.

Try to wake up your feelings and emotions, return to the state when you admired the beauty of a flower or smiled, looking at a playful puppy, a soft pink sunset.

How? Start paying attention to your feelings. Focus on beautiful objects, phenomena. Personal perception of beauty is possible at any age.

2. Add colors to your look

We should not live like everyone else, we need to create a personal microcosm, says Sebastian Masuda. “Color” every day in a new bright color. It can be a shirt, socks, a bag, a wallet, a belt, a mobile phone case.

How? Try wearing or bringing something bright with you. Most likely, this will cheer you up and you will feel as if you stepped out of the shadows into the rays of the bright sun. If you are afraid that bright colors attract the attention of others, and this confuses you, you can wear bright things that will not be visible to others. For example, replace your usual gray underwear with yellow or green.

3. Show your personality

Kawaii is only complete if the outside matches the inside. It is not so important what kind of clothes we are wearing – bright, multi-colored or black and white. As long as our individuality is stagnant, locked into the limits set by society, we cannot become ourselves. But an individuality created under someone’s strict guidance is like chewing gum for us, warns Sebastian Masuda and suggests trying to awaken our own.

How? To awaken your individuality means to look at the world and things from the other side, to take a step forward. Think about what places, books, movies, clothes, food you like. Trust yourself, if today you want to stay at home in a cozy blanket and watch your favorite movie, do it. Let everything new into your life that you like. And be guided by your own opinion, become your own lawyer. Don’t be afraid to change – it’s the only way to find your own kawaii.

4. Express yourself without words

There are many different ways to express your inner world. Sincere serious thoughts and aspirations of the soul are not always expressed in words. Sometimes it’s easier to do this with brightly dressed clothes, accessories, or a cute notebook and pen, phone case, say kawaii fans.

How? Think about what clothes or accessory will help you express yourself, your inner world. Sometimes we choose kawaii things that make us feel tender, unconsciously, intuitively, but that is why they manage to express something important that cannot be explained by words and logical arguments.

About the author: Sebastian Masuda is a kawaii developer and expert, cultural ambassador of Japan, lecturer at Kyoto University.

* Spelling options: kawaii, kawaii and kawaii.

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