Color psychology: the way the shades you wear define you

Color psychology: the way the shades you wear define you


In psychology, color is associated with people’s emotions and is the way to influence the physical and mental state, that is why the pigments that we wear or paint in our home say a lot about us.

Color psychology: the way the shades you wear define you

In psychology, each color has a meaning, that is why those colors that attract our attention or the pigments that we wear or paint in our home say a lot about us.

La psychology of color it is a field that studies what colors produce in emotions and in the behaviors of the person, and each color will have a meaning. Lara Ferreiro, an expert in psychology, explains that it is very interesting to decipher it because it is something widely used in marketing, for example.

“When it comes to color, especially in marketing, 93% of people will buy a product by looking at it. It is even said that the subconscious in a few seconds you already know if you are going to buy it depending on whether or not you like the color. In the same way, the clothes we wear most of the time defines how we feel at that moment, ”says the psychology expert.

In psychology, as Lara Ferreiro says, color is associated with people’s emotions and is the way to influence the physical and mental state. For example, red has been shown to increase the heart rate and in turn causes adrenaline. “The warm colors, like orange, red or yellow, what they do in some people is arouse emotions such as warmth or anger, while cold colors, like green or blue, they tend to give a feeling of calm but also of sadness and coldness “, indicates the psychologist from El Prado Psychologists. Many people dress to convey these concepts on themselves or in their homes.

What the colors mean

Blue. It reminds us of the sea and the sky and transmits us stability, Trust y fullfilment of security requirements. “Although this color means all that, it can also convey coldness or remoteness, so if one day you feel like this, it is very normal that you turn to blue,” says Lara Ferreiro.

Red color:. «It is one of my favorites because it represents heat, flame or force, and is associated with people with a lot of stimulation y courage», Says the psychologist. It is a very powerful color that conveys claw, love and security, although it is also associated with danger, tension or blood: “Those who wear red transmit security and strength, and big brands use it.”

finanacing. It is associated with “ecofriendly” people. If you wear it you will transmit harmony and peace, and you want to imply that you live life with great hope. It is also linked to people who are friendly to animals. “It is a color that does not tend to relax or reassure, although it is very interesting,” says Lara Ferreiro.

Yellow:. «Symbolizes the happiness, and they are usually worn by happy, optimistic and vital people. It has very positive connotations, although it also means that these people can cheat or lie or that you have to be careful with them, “he says. There are very superstitious people who do not wear yellow because they sense that it brings bad luck.

Orange. It is the combination of red and yellow, so it will have connotations of both. «It is usually used by very warm with a challenging point, who are challenged. They are people who need a lot of stimulation, “he says. In addition, it is also related to people with a tendency to add, who can wear orange because it is a very stimulating color. It is used as a substitute for red because it does not saturate as much.

Black. «Those who wear black often represent elegance and sophisticationbut when done in style. It is a color that if always worn can give the impression of being someone sad, depressed, cold and lonely. Sometimes it can generate mistrust in someone who always wears it and has a very authoritarian power, ”explains Lara Ferreiro.

White. Those who wear it tend to be pure, clear people and represent the innocence, simplicity or cleaning, although they also have their negative connotation. Apparently, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder could often wear white because it is a color that stains very easily and you always have to resort to another garment. “I knew a patient who had 40 white shirts and 40 white shirts, and he was constantly changing them. This color also defines people who are easily overwhelmed and who need spaciousness “, says the professional.

Violeta. Wise people usually turn to it because it is a very risky color with power and luxuries. It is also associated with feminine concepts, just like pink.

Rose. Lara Ferreiro says that pink is a color that transmits calm, but psychologically it is also very powerful for the female sex: “It is associated with childish or immature people, and big brands like Barbie know which public to impress with this color.”

It should be noted, according to the professional, that the same color can have many different meanings, depending on values ​​such as education or culture, because while in the East white means death, in the West black is the color of mourning.

The colors that define us

Not only color defines us, but many other factors would have to be added. Lara Ferreiro indicates that it is necessary to analyze, apart from the clothes, how that person is dressed: «In my therapy I can not only get an idea of ​​a person by the color of the clothes he wears, also for its appearance. Sometimes people have come to the office who always wear black, but if you add to that the fact that they have dirty hair, unwashed clothes and the face of few friends, I can detect that they have a depressive state. That is why you have to look not only at the color, but also at how you wear it and the appearance in general. If there are colored points in between black, we would be talking, in this case, of someone who understands fashion and has its own own touch of glamor and sophistication. To take a judgment test a much broader concept needs to be analyzed».

Dressing in muted colors is simple and easy because you don’t have to think much about combinations. You wear those colors and you are going to get it right for sure, so it can be deduced that those who resort to grays, browns or blacks are very practical people. However, these colors could be telling us the mood at that time: “We can say that people who dress in dark and muted colors would be going through a bad time at that time. If that continues over the years, it would be talking about how they could perceive the world in a much more negative way because with black, happiness is not allowed to enter life, “he warns.

«I always say that women dress according to our moodThat is why our suitcases are much larger than men’s when we go on a trip. We are going to dress based on that day (besides that we have more options) “, concludes Lara Ferreiro.

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