Standard laboratory diagnostics fail to detect many bowel diseases. Some serious pathological processes occurring in the organ require a colonoscopy. In the article, we will analyze why this procedure is needed and whether there is any alternative to it.
What is a colonoscopy?
Colonoscopy is a modern diagnostic procedure that is performed using a special probe, an endoscope. This allows the doctor to examine the inside of a person’s intestine. The procedure makes it possible to assess the condition of the anus, rectum before entering the caecum, ileocecal canal, terminal ileum.
The colonoscope is a flexible and long probe. At its end is an eyepiece and a miniature video camera with illumination. The device comes with forceps, which are used to take tissues for further examination, as well as a tube for air supply. The probe is inserted through the rectum. It is soft and easy to bend, so it gently moves along the entire length of the intestine without injuring it and without causing pain to the patient.
The image from the camera is fed to the screen, so the doctor can visually assess the condition of the intestine, which is equal to 2 meters in length. The camera takes pictures at XNUMXx magnification. The doctor examines the mucous membranes of the intestine and has the opportunity to evaluate all its pathological changes.

In addition to the usual examination of the intestine, the doctor can perform a number of medical procedures that will allow you to refuse the operation:
It is possible to expand a certain part of the intestine by removing scar tissue.
Tissues can be taken for further histological examination.
You can remove foreign bodies from the intestines.
The doctor may remove polyps and other benign tumors.
It is possible to stop bleeding.
Colonoscopy is one of the most effective modern methods for diagnosing intestinal diseases.
Indications for endoscopic examination of the colon
Indications for colonoscopy are the following diseases and conditions:
The person is over 50 years of age. In this case, the procedure is carried out with a preventive purpose, even if a person does not make any complaints about his state of health. The fact is that the risk of developing cancer of the distal intestines over the age of 50 increases significantly, and the onset of the disease is asymptomatic. Therefore, all persons who have crossed the age limit of 50 years are recommended to undergo a colonoscopy once a year.
If a person has a hereditary predisposition to the formation of polyps in the intestines, as well as a family history, there were people who suffered from cancers of this organ. Provided that there was a relative in the family who had bowel cancer, then for a preventive purpose, this procedure should be started 10 years earlier than the age at which this relative was diagnosed with pathology. This is because the probability of transmission of the disease at the genetic level is extremely high.
Symptoms that should alert a person and force him to undergo a colonoscopy are:
The presence of blood in the stool. It looks like streaks of scarlet. This symptom indicates that there is bleeding from the distal intestines. A similar situation is often observed with anal fissures, with hemorrhoids. In addition, occult blood may be present in the feces, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. To detect it, special rapid tests will be required. Occult blood in the stool can indicate the presence of polyps, inflammation of the intestines, tumors, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.
The appearance in the feces of mucus and purulent discharge. They indicate a serious pathology of the intestine, which requires emergency medical attention.
Anemia and high ESR. If the patient suffers from chronic anemia that cannot be corrected with medication, then this is a reason for a colonoscopy.
Loss of body weight. If a person begins to lose weight for no apparent reason, then you need to examine the digestive system.
The presence of polyps in the intestine. All benign neoplasms in the intestine have a tendency to malignant degeneration, therefore, they require removal and systematic monitoring in the future.
Pain along the intestines. Dull and cramping pains that are localized in various parts of the intestine require a colonoscopy.
Chronic constipation. If a person suffers from constipation, if he has a tight stool, which leads to injury to the walls of the intestines and anus, then this can cause serious inflammation. In addition, constipation, in itself, may indicate a disease of the organ, so its detailed examination is required.
Unstable stools, changes in diarrhea and constipation, malabsorption syndrome may be signs of irritable bowel syndrome, so colonoscopy is prescribed for such patients.
Emergency indications for endoscopic examination of the colon
Emergency colonoscopy is not a preventive, but a therapeutic goal. It is carried out in the case when the patient needs emergency care.
Such situations include:
Intestinal obstruction, its stenosis. The disorder can develop against the background of various diseases, as well as after surgery.
Bleeding from the intestines, including diverticulosis. During the procedure, you can identify the focus of inflammation and eliminate it.
The presence of a foreign body in the intestine.
Colonoscopy refers to low-traumatic diagnostic methods, but it has a number of contraindications in which the procedure cannot be performed.
They include:
A state of shock with a drop in blood pressure below 70 mm. rt. Art.
Respiratory infections of an acute course, inflammation of the respiratory organs, accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
Intestinal infections in the acute phase.
Heart failure.
Violation of blood clotting.
Crohn’s disease, an acute stage of colitis with massive intestinal damage.
Diverticulitis in the acute phase.
Pronounced violations of the well-being of a person.
In addition, there are relative contraindications to the procedure:
Massive anal bleeding.
Anal fissures.
Acute stage of hemorrhoids.
Childbearing period.
The presence of a large hernia.
Early recovery period after surgery on the abdominal cavity.
Poor preparation for bowel cleansing, etc.
Doctors should seriously consider the possible risks of a colonoscopy if a patient has the following diseases and conditions:
Heart diseases.
Allergy to medicines.
Lung diseases.
Treatment with drugs that affect the processes of blood clotting.
The physician must be aware of the medications the patient is receiving. You may have to refuse them, and after the procedure, resume taking them.
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