Colon cancer – causes, treatment, prognosis. What is the prevention of this cancer?

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant neoplasms in Poland, right after lung and prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. Every year, this diagnosis is heard by 12-15 thousand patients. Colorectal cancer detected in the early stages of development is fully curable. Unfortunately, too few people decide to do research out of shame and ignorance. For this reason, they most often go to the oncologist too late.

Symptoms of colon cancer

The most common symptoms of colon cancer includes abdominal pain, blood in stool, weight loss, weakness, rectal bleeding, feeling of incomplete bowel movements, anemia, change in bowel rhythm, nausea, vomiting. Narrow stool, known as pencil-like, is also a cause for concern, as it indicates a disturbance in the obstruction of the bowel. The advanced stage is also evidenced by constipation and the accompanying flatulence.

Factors contributing to the development of colorectal cancer

The risk of developing this type of cancer increases with age. It is most often people between 50 and 60 years old. Moreover, towards colorectal cancer people with a family history of other malignant neoplasms (especially colon cancer, uterine cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer and breast cancer) or adenomatous polyposis should be tested, and those who suffer from chronic colitis. Development colorectal cancer radiotherapy of the small pelvis, obesity, low physical activity, smoking, alcohol abuse and a diet rich in fried red meat and animal fats, and low in vegetables and fruits, are conducive to this.

Treatment of colon cancer

Treatment colorectal cancer it depends on the degree of its advancement and the location of the tumor. The most frequently used methods are: surgical removal of the lesion, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Good chances of recovery are given accordingly early detection the first symptoms of the disease. We are talking about polyps of the large intestine, i.e. benign adenomas that can develop into a malignant tumor within 10 years. They are removed during colonoscopy or rectoscopy. People who consult an oncologist in the first stage of the development of the disease do as much as 90 percent chance of recovery.

If the cancer has not spread to other organs and is located in the colon, surgery is most often performed to remove a fragment of the intestine along with the lesion and the surrounding lymph nodes. The continuity of the digestive tract can then be recreated. In some cases, the entire colon may be removed. If the tumor is located in the upper or middle part of the rectum, it is possible to maintain the continuity of the digestive tract and sphincters. When the cancer has spread to the lower part of the rectum, it is removed along with the sphincters and a stoma emerges, i.e. the section of the small or large intestine connected to the skin. It allows the contents of the intestine to be excreted into a special ostomy bag, which is glued to the skin. The stoma is sometimes called an artificial rectum.

Most patients with advanced colorectal cancer there is no chance of a full recovery. It is used when the metastases reach the lungs and liver or the tumor is too large to be removed palliative treatment. It involves the removal of the tumor, as well as the use of the so-called targeted drugs, and chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Moreover palliative therapy is intended to relieve pain, extend the patient’s life and provide him with maximum comfort.

The prognosis depends primarily on the stage of the disease colorectal cancer. The 5-year chance of survival is most commonly used. With early diagnosis, the patient has a 90 percent chance of having them, while with adjacent organs involvement – 67 percent, and with distant organs – only 10 percent.

If you are struggling with colorectal cancer or have already managed to defeat it, order OncoLife Defense Bioactive Complex – Doctor Life dietary supplement, which supports the immune system and helps in recovery after the disease.

Colon cancer prevention

To the most important preventive actions include tests, especially when the patient belongs to the group at increased risk. We are talking about the occult blood test, colonoscopy, rectoscopy, anoscopy, per rectal examination (through the anus) and rectal infusion. It is very important change of diet – fried or grilled meat dishes are rich in carcinogenic substances, while meals high in fat and cholesterol increase bile acids in the intestine, which is also a carcinogenic factor. Foods rich in fiber – vegetables, fruits, bran, nuts, seeds – have a protective effect. In addition, you should quit smoking and limit your consumption alcohol. It is also recommended increasing traffic, because daily, moderate exercise significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Screening for colorectal cancer concerns people over 50 years of age. These are mainly colonoscopy and fecal occult blood testing. If there has been a family history of colorectal cancer, screening begins earlier, around the age of 40.

At Medonet Market, you can now buy the Home Test for Fecal Occult Blood – FOB TEST. The test is available separately or in a kit of home tests for stomach problems along with the test for Helicobacter pylori infection.

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