
German top-fermented beer from Cologne. There is no single recipe, the hop-malt balance depends on the manufacturer, the hallmark of the style is a short shelf life. In his hometown, Kölsch is served in special glasses – “rods” (Stange).

The drink appeared a little over 200 years ago and has been a name protected by origin since 1986 – only about 20 German breweries can produce Kölsch. Initially, the style was positioned as a competitor to pale lager.

Mandatory requirements for the variety are light body, good attenuation, medium strength, pronounced hop profile, top fermentation. The nuances are left to the discretion of the brewer.

The beer is well invigorating, distinguished by freshness, delicacy of taste, delicate malt aroma with fruity tones (optional), light notes of hops are possible. The finish is clean and dry. Color – due to good filtration, very clear and transparent, forms a light foam in the glass.

Grain sweetness and hop bitterness are felt in the taste, nuances of honey, bread, spices, flowers, herbs are possible. There are mineral or sulphurous accents in the aftertaste, this does not contradict the style standards. On the tongue it feels rounded, slightly tingling.

Made from German hops and malt, pils is allowed. The technology allows the use of wheat malt, but its content should not exceed 20%. It is important to consume the drink fresh, as it loses most of its characteristics during storage.

Kölsch is similar to cream ale and pils, but fresher.


Strength: 4.4-5.2%.

Density: initial 1.044-1.050, final 1.007-1.011.

Bitterness Index: 18-30 IBU.

Color: 3.5-5 SRM.

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