Colo-Vada plus program for cleansing the body

Kolo Vada is a 14 day program. It allows you to cleanse the body of toxins. The program was created on the basis of the Coral Club.

Judging by the reviews, Colo Vada is a remedy that has earned a very mixed reputation among the population. It was developed by the Coral Club company, which was created not so long ago, but has already managed to collect a lot of critical opinions in its address. Colo Vada is a complex of dietary supplements that are designed to completely cleanse the body.

What are the features of Colo Vada Plus?

The developers of Colo Vada claim that with the help of their program it is possible to cleanse the body of high quality without leaving home. The drug gently cleanses the intestines, removes toxins from it, improves immunity, and improves well-being.

What to expect from dietary supplements?

According to the founders of the Coral Club, the use of Colo Vada will achieve the following results:

  • Normalize the functioning of the liver, pancreas and kidneys.

  • Eliminate the negative factors that lead to the formation of edema and weight gain.

  • Tidy up your skin.

  • Normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels.

  • Get rid of allergies, remove helminths from the body.

  • Boost immunity.

  • Normalize the functioning of the urinary and reproductive systems.

  • Increase the elasticity of the vascular walls, improve nerve conduction, reduce the symptoms of neuralgia, VVD, get rid of migraines.

  • Restore the cartilage lining the joints. Get rid of arthralgia.

  • To normalize the health of patients who suffer from chronic infections.

  • In general, improve well-being.

Who is the drug suitable for

The instructions list a variety of indications for use.

The manufacturer recommends the use of dietary supplements for the following groups of patients:

  • Allergy sufferers.

  • People with food poisoning.

  • Patients suffering from dermatitis and neurodermatitis.

  • Patients with stomach ulcers and colitis, with pathologies of the abdominal cavity, accompanied by bleeding.

  • Cancer patients with lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Application, composition and recommendations

The cleansing program is designed for 2 weeks. A person will need to go through three stages in order to cleanse the body as efficiently as possible.

Stage 1 – preparation (7 days)

The first stage lasts 7 days. It is designed to prepare the body for the upcoming cleansing by removing toxic substances from the large intestine. The body is saturated with nutrients, the work of the digestive system as a whole is normalized.

During this period, intestinal motility is stimulated, parasites and protozoa (giardia and amoeba) are removed from it, and the internal microflora is normalized. The body is saturated with vitamins and minerals, and antioxidants neutralize pathogenic cells. In the intestines, old deposits that have been accumulated throughout life are softened and brought out.

During this period, the menu must include products such as:

  • Cereals cooked in water.

  • Vegetable soups. Vegetables can be raw or boiled.

  • Boiled and stewed fish.

  • Dairy drinks and products. They are a source of proteins and beneficial bacteria.

The menu should minimize animal products, canned food, pastries and confectionery.

It is completely necessary to abandon foods that increase gas formation: grapes, bananas, pears, potatoes, melons, cabbage and legumes.

You can drink water from Coral Mine either half an hour before a meal, or 2 hours after a meal. It is important that at the same time there is no food and water in the stomach.

You can drink food with fruit drinks, sugar-free compote, or freshly prepared juice.

You can not drink coffee, milk, sparkling water, tea, kvass, alcoholic drinks, sweet compotes and store juices.

Each supplement package contains:

  • Ultimate – 1 tablet.

  • Mega Acidophilus – 1 capsule.

  • Vitamin C, 500 mg – 1 tablet.

  • Alfalfa – 2 tablets.

  • Buckthorn American – 1 tablet.

  • Herbal set No. 2 – 2 tablets.

  • Black walnut leaves – 2 tablets.

Stage 2 – cleansing (4 days)

The second stage of cleansing the body occurs due to the fact that Colo Vada powder swells in the intestines, resulting in a jelly-like mass that envelops all old deposits and brings them out.

Kaolin is a unique sorbent that contributes to a better cleansing of the body. The system is balanced, so a person will not experience hunger, and the body will not begin to suffer from a deficiency of nutrients. In addition to cleansing the intestines, there is an active regeneration of its tissues.

During this period, it is forbidden to eat liquid and solid foods. Food should be limited to a minimum. You can drink freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas in small quantities.

If there is no strength to cope with hunger, then on the 3rd and 4th day it is allowed to eat a small portion of vegetable salad without adding oil.

At least 250 ml of water from Coral Mine should be drunk per day between each intake of Colo Vada Mix. For 12 hours, the body should receive at least 1,5-2 liters of water from Coral Mine.

Each package contains:

  • Ultimate – 1 tablet.

  • Mega Acidophilus – 1 capsule.

  • Vitamin C, 500 mg – 1 tablet.

  • Alfalfa – 2 tablets.

  • Buckthorn American – 1 tablet.

  • Herbal set No. 2 – 1 tablet.

  • Black walnut leaves – 1 tablet.

The composition of the powder includes the following components:

  • Plantain seed – 6,22 g.

  • Lecithin – 0,12 g.

  • Lemon zest – 0,49 g.

  • Prunes – 0,1 g.

  • Aromatic additive banana – 0,02 g.

  • Licorice root (extract)_ – 0,01 g.

  • White clay – 5,03 g.

White clay has the unique ability to absorb 40 times more toxins than its original weight. This allows you to loosen and bring out solid deposits in the intestines.

Stage 3 – recovery (3 days)

The third stage is designed to restore the intestinal microflora, normalize the functioning of the digestive system. This is possible thanks to bifido- and lactobacilli, which enter the body along with additives. In addition, they contain digestive enzymes: amylase, lipase, bromelain and protease.

Beneficial bacteria populate the digestive tract, allowing it to fully perform its functions. This is especially true for people who are in the final stages of cleaning. Vitamins and minerals are a source of energy, and herbs help eliminate inflammation and normalize the functioning of the digestive tract.

Thanks to Colo Vada Plus, you can forget about your unhealthy food preferences and improve your diet. Already from the 12th day, you need to smoothly expand the menu, while abandoning harmful foods forever.

It is recommended to include the following products and dishes in the menu:

  • Vegetable soups.

  • Greenery.

  • Boiled meat and fish.

  • Cottage cheese.

  • Dairy drinks.

  • Sourdough bread.

  • Olive oil.

From the menu it is necessary to remove fried foods, sweets, spicy and salty dishes, fatty meats and fish, baking. You should stop eating legumes, potatoes, radishes and fresh cabbage.

On the day you need to continue to drink 1,5 liters of water from Coral Mine.

Each sachet contains:

  • Ultimate – 1 tablet.

  • Mega Acidophilus – 2 capsules.

  • Vitamin C, 500 mg – 1 tablet.

  • Alfalfa – 2 tablets.

  • Buckthorn American – 1 tablet.

  • Enzymes – 1 capsule.


Contraindications for taking Colo Vada:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in chronic and acute form.

  • The presence of stones in the gallbladder.

  • Childbearing period.

  • Childhood.

  • Diabetes.

  • Stomach ulcer.

  • Stones in the kidneys.

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

  • Diseases of the endocrine system.

  • Crohn’s disease.

  • Hemorrhoids.

  • Ulcerative colitis.

  • Infectious diseases.

  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up the dietary supplement.

Feedback and results

The opinion of official medicine

The creators of the Coral Club claim that their dietary supplement is an indispensable and universal remedy for the treatment of any disease and is suitable for all people without exception. However, official medicine warns people against using such drugs. Colo Vada has no proven effectiveness, dietary supplements have not been tested in any clinical trials at all. Therefore, doctors do not recommend following such programs.

Doctors say that the program of the Coral Club is not only useless, but can also be harmful to health. So far, it is not known how it affects the human body. Official medicine insists that toxins cannot linger in the body, so Colo Vada is nothing more than a charlatan method that is designed to make money from patients.

It is impossible to say how taking the drugs in such a combination as the program suggests will affect. Individually, they are not harmful, but their combinations have not been studied in clinical experiments.

Lose weight with the help of such a program will not succeed. In reality, intestinal contents will be excreted, as well as dehydration of the body. Fasting may help you lose weight, but scientific fasting does not include laxatives or Colo Vada water. Abundant consumption of such a drink leads to dehydration.

Reviews about dietary supplements

Video lecture by Olga Butakova about colo-vada:

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