Collective Farm Tomatoes: variety description, photos, reviews

Kolkhozny tomato is a mid-early, highly productive determinant variety that performs well when cultivated in open ground and under film. Unpretentious, stress-resistant, has a high immunity to brown spot and late blight. Collective farm fruit fully justifies its name and is popular with gardeners.

History of occurrence

The sale of tomato seeds of the Kolkhozny fruitful variety from the manufacturer is carried out by Our Garden (Ukraine). The variety was bred by scientists of the Crimean Experimental Station. The culture has taken root well in the Ukrainian and Moldovan lands.

Description of the tomato variety Kolkhozny

In the description of the Kolkhozny productive tomato, it is indicated that it does not belong to hybrid forms. Therefore, it is not necessary to update the seed material annually. The variety reacts normally to a short drop in temperature, easily tolerates drought. The height of the bushes ranges from 50 to 100 cm. The plant is branched, semi-spreading. The foliage of the bush is high, the leaves of the usual type are rich green in color.

The fruits of the tomato Kolkhozny have a rounded shape, smooth. Weight ranges from 95 to 115 g. Tomatoes reach maturity when their color turns bright red. The pulp is dense, the taste is sweet and sour. The skin on the fruit is thick.

Characteristics of the collective farm tomato

The organizer of the variety recommends cultivating tomatoes of this variety in open ground. But tomatoes grown under film shelters show higher yields. Residents of the Urals and central Our Country cultivate Kolkhozny exclusively in a greenhouse.

Tomato fruits are formed and ripen at the same time. A slight sourness gives a refined taste.

Tomato yield Kolkhozny

From the moment of planting to the removal of the first ripe fruits, 100-110 days pass.

Collective Farm Tomatoes: variety description, photos, reviews

The yield from one bush ranges from 3 to 6 kg

Disease and pest resistance

Tomato variety Kolkhozny is endowed with good immunity to late blight and vertex rot, but non-compliance with crop rotation rules, weather conditions make their own adjustments. Tomatoes of this variety can suffer from such diseases:

  • mosaic (more often affects bushes cultivated in a greenhouse);
  • macrosporiosis (develops in the heat and manifests itself as brown-brown spots on the leaves);
  • white spotting (appears in the second half of summer).

Tomato plantations are subject to attack by pests. The main enemies of tomatoes are considered: the Colorado potato beetle, nematode, whitefly.

Where applicable

Collective farm tomatoes belong to the universal type. They are consumed fresh, used for salads, drying and preservation.

Collective Farm Tomatoes: variety description, photos, reviews

Tomatoes of the Kolkhozny variety are suitable for winter preparations in the form of tomato juice, sauce and ketchup

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantages of the culture are almost invisible against the background of the advantages of the Kolkhozny tomato variety. Bushes require a garter to a support, and pinching does not take much time and effort.

Collective Farm Tomatoes: variety description, photos, reviews

When using fresh Kolkhozny tomato, it is recommended to peel the skin, then the taste will be revealed in full

Advantages of the variety:

  • can be cultivated in seedling and seedless ways;
  • high resistance to diseases;
  • fruits do not crack, ripen evenly;
  • tomatoes perfectly tolerate transportation;
  • universal use;
  • undemanding to care;
  • drought tolerance;
  • frost resistance;
  • vegetables contain useful vitamins and minerals;
  • high yield.


  • it is necessary to form a bush;
  • needs pinching;
  • too thick fruit skin.

Peculiarities of growing

The quality of seedlings is affected by the correct preparation of planting material. You can protect tomatoes from diseases by soaking the seeds for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Growing seedlings

In order for the Kolkhozny variety to please with an early harvest, it is recommended to plant germinated, hardened seeds in the ground. Sowing is carried out in the last days of February.

Important! The soil mixture is prepared in advance, mixing peat, river sand and soil from the garden in equal parts.

It is better to take the earth from the beds where cucumbers, cauliflower, zucchini or carrots used to grow.

The order of sowing seeds:

  1. The soil mixture is poured into oblong boxes.
  2. Grooves are made in the soil with a depth of 1 cm, germinated seeds are laid out at a distance of 2 cm from each other.
  3. Seeds are covered with soil, lightly tamped the soil, irrigated.
  4. The container is covered with a film, taken out into a dark warm room (temperature + 25ᵒС).
  5. After 5-7 days, sprouts will appear. Boxes with seedlings are transferred to a lighted place.

In the phase of 2-3 leaves, seedlings dive into separate glasses. A week before planting in open ground, seedlings begin to harden.

Transplantation in open ground

Seedlings are transferred to the beds in the second half of May, when the threat of morning frost has passed. The row spacing is 70 cm, the distance between the bushes is kept within 50-60 cm.

The holes are made in such a way that a tomato root is placed in them along with an earthy clod. The soil near the bush is compacted, the seedlings are watered abundantly. Despite the short stature of the variety, the Kolkhozny tomato needs a garter. Otherwise, fertile branches will break under the weight of the crop. If shoots with fruits lie on the ground, they will cause plant disease.

Care of seedlings

After planting in the ground, tomatoes need care:

  1. Watering is carried out as the soil dries. The soil should not crack, but excess moisture will adversely affect plant growth. The root system will begin to rot. Irrigation is carried out with warm settled water in the morning or evening hours.

    Collective Farm Tomatoes: variety description, photos, reviews

  2. After each watering, the ground around the seedlings is loosened. At the same time, weeds are removed, which take nutrients from the soil.
  3. Tomato varieties Kolkhozny are recommended to be kept in 1-2 stems, timely removing new stepchildren. You should also cut off the foliage from the lower shoots of the seedling to a height of up to 20 cm.
  4. Fertilize three times during the growing season. The first is carried out two weeks after transplantation to a permanent place. At this time, mineral fertilizers are applied. The second top dressing is carried out during the flowering of tomatoes, any fertilizer that contains phosphorus and potassium is suitable for this. During the fruiting period, the tomato needs potassium. It can be wood ash or superphosphate.

To avoid diseases caused by fungal spores, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatment of beds in a timely manner.

Collective Farm Tomatoes: variety description, photos, reviews

In order not to overload the bush, harvest should be carried out in a timely manner

Pest and disease control

Most ailments affect the collective farm fruitful tomato with contaminated soil and high humidity. To protect the beds from diseases, it is necessary to observe the norms of crop rotation of plants, do not plant tomatoes in greenhouses next to other crops, and ensure ventilation. When watering, try not to get on the leaves.

Of the chemicals used:

  • for the treatment of black spot – Fitoflavin, Baktofit;
  • from dry spotting – Gamair, Sektin.

It is recommended to scare away pests with folk remedies. For complex protection, use an infusion of garlic (for 10 liters of water 200 g of the product) or nettle (for a bucket of liquid 1,5 kg of fresh grass), with the addition of liquid soap (20-40 g).


Tomato Kolkhozny has deservedly become a favorite of gardeners. It can be grown both in seedlings and in seedlings, sowing seeds directly into the ground.

Reviews of gardeners about the tomato Kolkhozny

Elena Vasilyeva, 55 years old, Maikop
I have been cultivating the Kolkhozny tomato variety for two years, but I have not identified any shortcomings for myself. With any vagaries of the weather pleases with a stable harvest. Tomatoes ripen together, suitable for winter harvesting, pickling and fresh consumption. After preservation, the fruits retain their excellent taste. I grow seedlings in a greenhouse, so I pick tomatoes early.
Ksenia Belkhovskaya, 39 years old, Vladimir
I grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. I add new varieties every year. Once a description of a tomato of the Kolkhozny fruitful variety caught my eye. I decided to try it and I’m satisfied. For me, the thick skin on the fruit is not a minus, but a plus. Tomatoes withstand transportation well, retain their presentation for a long time. They can be marinated, make a tomato.

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