Colic in children – first aid. What does an infantile colic attack look like?

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Infant colic occurs in 10-40% of infants. They are not the best defined disease syndrome, and according to some scientists it is difficult to call them a disease.

Colic is defined as a paroxysmal, unsettling, crying (screaming) of a child, accompanied by tucking the legs, abdominal distension and increased intestinal gas.

Colic occurs between the 3rd day and the 3rd week of life. In premature babies, they may appear 2-3 weeks later than in full-term babies. They usually occur in the evening and at night – between 18 p.m. and 22 p.m., last for at least 3 hours, repeat with a frequency of at least 3 attacks a week. In the vast majority of cases (60%), they disappear in the third month of life.

Where did this colic come from?

The causes of infantile colic can be divided into 3 groups: physiological, e.g. hypersensitivity to milk proteins, excessive amount of intestinal gases resulting from intolerance to disaccharides – mainly lactose, excessive intestinal peristalsis, immaturity of the nervous system, disturbed mother-child relationships – mother’s anxiety states , stress in the family, inadequate feeding and holding technique.

What does an infantile colic attack look like?

Before the first seizure occurs, the baby is usually developing properly, gaining weight well. However, between the 2nd and 3rd week of life, an infant develops flushing and changes in facial expression. The baby suddenly curls its legs, and after a few seconds there is an energetic, high-pitched scream that disappears after a few minutes. Then the baby straightens up and stiffens. The abdomen is distended, tight. After passing the stool (it may be green, mucilaginous), the child calms down temporarily. When feeding, it sucks greedily, swallowing a large amount of air, which further aggravates the ailments.

How can I help him?

There is no radical remedy to eliminate colic attacks. The most important thing is for parents to reassure themselves that the child is safe, understand the nature and temporary nature of his ailments and regain faith in their parenting abilities. There is no need for additional tests. However, it does not hurt to do simple tests (blood count, urine tests, abdominal ultrasound). However, the best evidence that colic does not impair a child’s development is the correct gains in weight and body length.

During a colic attack, massaging the tummy, applying warm compresses or a warm bath will be helpful. You can also use drugs that reduce the amount of intestinal gas (fennel and special formulas for babies).

In case of colic in a formula-fed child, intolerance or allergy to cow’s milk proteins should be taken into account. If this diagnosis is confirmed, dairy-free mixtures recommended by the pediatrician are used in the feeding of the baby.

Text: lek. med. Grażyna Słodek – pediatrician

See also the remedy for colic

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