General description of the disease
Colic – paroxysmal, sharp, sharp pain, similar to sticking a knife.
Types, symptoms and causes of colic:
- Renal – pain occurs due to the passage and exit of urinary stones through the urinary tract, bending of the ureter or its blockage by a stone, trauma, tuberculosis, tumor conditions. Colic manifests itself in the form of increasing back pain, which can radiate to the upper legs, genitals, and groin. Moreover, in most cases, accompanying symptoms are gag reflexes, nausea. It makes itself felt during outdoor activities or strong physical exertion: running, jumping, walking fast, lifting weights, driving vehicles.
- Hepatic (bilious) – the cause of pain attacks is the release of gallstones or sand along the biliary tract, the presence of cholecystitis, hepatosis, cirrhosis of the liver, duodenitis. Overeating, alcohol abuse, driving on bad roads, stressful situations, and a long stay in a bent position can provoke colic. Sharp pain affects the right hypochondrium and can radiate to the right shoulder and forearm, back, neck, scapula. The attack is accompanied by repeated vomiting, pallor and increased skin moisture, in combination with a yellowish tinge (yellowness of the skin and sclera appears with the development of jaundice), there is also bloating, fever, urine becomes dark in color, and feces can become colorless.
- Intestinal – Colic is caused by the presence of dense stool and debris. Pain can also torment because of worms, poor-quality food, gastritis, the ingress of microbes; spasms in the intestines also occur due to nerves (the so-called bear disease), intestinal obstruction. Symptoms of intestinal colic are stool disturbance, pain in the intestines, intestines, the appearance of mucus in the stool in the form of tubes or ribbons.
- Lead – occurs with lead poisoning. Pain can occur anywhere in the abdomen. It is possible to diagnose by conducting laboratory blood tests and by examining the oral cavity (a specific plaque appears).
- Infant – a separate type of colic, the causes of which have not yet been precisely established. Infant colic is thought to be caused by immaturity and incomplete gastrointestinal function. Disturbing the child in the early stages of life, mainly in the first few months after birth. Colic in babies will give out restless behavior, the crying and crying of the child during which the face turns red, a hard tummy. Also, the baby can pull his legs to his stomach or, while screaming, arch (stretch) his back.
Useful foods for colic:
For any type of colic (except for infants), the patient needs to adhere to a diet that will help reduce the likelihood of relapse and help in curing the disease. To do this, you need to use the following foods and dishes:
- vegetarian puree soups, milk soups;
- well-boiled cereals: buckwheat, rice, semolina, noodles, oatmeal, wheat (you can cook them in milk);
- fresh, boiled and steamed vegetables, chicken and beef, steamed fish cakes, homemade liver pate;
- eggs (it is better to cook them soft-boiled or make a steam omelet);
- non-acidic dairy products;
- homemade jelly, compotes, juices, jams, mousses (only non-acidic);
- fruits, berries (can be fresh or baked);
- bread is better to eat yesterday and with bran, you can dry biscuit biscuits; pies with apple, cottage cheese, jam filling and buns (uncooked) are eaten no more than 2 times a week.
In case of renal colic caused by the release of stones, you must first find out the type of stone and only then adhere to a particular diet. For example, when oxalates are released, it is useful to eat peaches, grapes, pears, apricots, quince, cucumbers. When phosphate stones come out, juices from berries and birch, sauerkraut will help.
As for infant colic, a nursing mother needs to follow the diet and food intake. After all, the composition of milk depends on the food consumed. Therefore, you need to eat healthy, homemade food. Also, when breastfeeding a baby, you need to look at the correct sucking of milk by the baby. If not fed properly, the baby can swallow air with milk, which will cause colic.
Traditional medicine for colic:
- 1 If you suffer from hepatic or gastric colic, you need to drink freshly squeezed juice from carrots (you need to drink at least 4 glasses of juice a day). You need to drink juice after meals for 1-1,5 cups. You can also eat grated carrots with honey (add a teaspoon of honey to 1 grated medium carrot). Use this mixture before meals (10-15 minutes) for 30 days. Colic and carrot seeds are well removed, which need to be steamed in a thermos with the calculation: a glass of boiling water – one tablespoon of seeds. Carrots help remove stones, relieve various inflammations in the ureters and stomach.
- 2 Onion juice with honey will help to remove stones and improve the outflow of bile. It should be consumed three times a day before meals. The amount of juice should be equal to the amount of honey (the optimal ratio is ½ tablespoon of honey and the same amount of onion juice).
- 3 Decoctions of chamomile, immortelle, motherwort, lemon balm, oak bark, roots of calamus, buckthorn, senna, raisins, sage, centaury will help relieve spasms with colic.
In no case, during an attack, you can not massage the place that hurts, put hot heating pads, make sudden movements!
Dangerous and harmful foods for colic
- excessively spicy, fatty, smoked, salty foods;
- alcohol;
- hard boiled cocoa, tea and coffee;
- sweets, chocolate and ice cream;
- legumes;
- puff pastry;
- sauces, marinades, canned food;
- sour vegetables, berries, fruits;
- cabbage, radish, radish, sour tomatoes;
- mushrooms and mushroom broths, sauces;
- sorrel, lettuce, spinach, rhubarb;
- soda;
- fatty, rich broths and meat dishes from duck, pork, lamb, fatty fish.
All of these are colic provocateurs.
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