Coleus: growing from seeds, growing conditions
Growing Coleus is an easy task even for novice gardeners. This unpretentious plant multiplies easily and does not require special care.
Growing coleus from seeds and cuttings
Coleus has many varieties and varieties. Its main feature is beautiful pointed leaves, which have various variegated colors.
Choose a sunny spot to grow Coleus.
Coleus reproduces in two ways:
- cuttings;
- seeds.
Both methods give good results when grown at home.
When propagating by cuttings in adult plants, the upper cuttings with 4-5 leaves are cut off. Shoots root quickly in water or root easily in moist soil. After a week, they can already be transplanted into separate pots or containers. Saplings are planted at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other.
Sowing seeds is carried out in the spring, as the plant needs a sufficient amount of heat for good growth. For planting, prepare low containers and drain well. Choose a mixture of peat, sphagnum and humus as the soil. Coarse sand is also added to the mixture.
The optimum temperature for the emergence of sprouts is + 23 … + 24 degrees.
Since the seeds are very small, they are scattered over the surface, lightly sprinkled with soil and not tamped. After that, the earth is moistened with a spray bottle. Try to prevent the seeds from piling up and burying when watering. The container is covered with foil and placed closer to the light. With a lack of light, artificial lighting is used.
Until sprouts appear, the film is lifted every day and the containers are aired for several minutes.
Conditions for growing Coleus
To keep the Coleus bush branching and lush, regularly pinch and prune. Thanks to them, a lush crown is formed. Prune the plants three to four times during the summer.
For normal development, they need the following conditions:
- bright light;
- temperature + 20… + 24 degrees;
- plentiful watering;
- regular top dressing.
All these conditions will allow the plant to grow rapidly, bloom and produce seeds.
Although Coleus is a light-loving plant, direct sunlight is contraindicated for it. The light should be diffused. Excessive light can also discolor the leaves. At temperatures below +15 degrees, plant growth slows down. Sudden changes in temperature are also contraindicated for him.
Plants are regularly watered and sprayed in the evening. In the cold season, watering is reduced. Loosen the soil slightly after watering. Use mineral fertilizers for fertilization. Add them once every one to two weeks.
It is easy to take care of Coleus, and its unusual appearance will delight you with its bright leaves.
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