Cole index – children’s nutrition index, interpretation

Based on the height and weight of the child, the Cole index can also be calculated, which compares the actual height and weight of the child with the due weight (MN) and due height (WN). The due body weight and due height of the child are read from the percentile grids. These are values ​​that correspond to the 50th percentile for the child’s age and gender. In this case, there is no need to determine the child’s height.

The Cole index is calculated according to the following formula:

The interpretation of the Cole indicator is as follows:

– 90 -109 – correct values,

– 110- 119 – XNUMXst degree obesity (overweight),

– 120 -139 – XNUMXnd degree obesity,

– 140 and above – XNUMXrd degree obesity.

In order to assess the nutritional status, in addition to measuring the child’s height and weight, it is also necessary to perform specific anthropometric measurements (measurements of fat folds and body circumferences) and to assess body composition, i.e. the percentage of adipose and lean tissue and the degree of hydration.

Source: A. Cajdler-Łuba, S. Mikosiński, A. Sobieszczańska-Jabłońska, I. Nadel, I. Salata, A. Lewiński: “FUNCTIONAL DIAGNOSTICS OF HORMONAL DISORDERS WITH ELEMENTS OF DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSTICS; Czelej Publishing House

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