Colds: how to heal quickly

Colds: how to heal quickly

It turns out that if you eat right during ARVI, you can recover faster and avoid complications., together with an expert, debunked the myths about the benefits of honey and raspberry jam during the period of a cold.

Do not feel sorry for yourself that you are unstuck and there is no strength, seizing this state with pies. Tune in for a speedy recovery, and if you follow our advice, nutrition will work better than drugs.

“Honey and any jam is a huge amount of sugar, and it lowers the immune system. How it happens: because of sugar in the body, many yeast fungi multiply, the microflora weakens, the immune defense falls, as a result, the infection progresses, and complications may develop. Therefore, advice for colds to drink tea with honey and raspberry jam are relics of the last century.

The first rule when you get sick: cut out excess sugar. This applies not only to honey and jam, but also sweet desserts and sweets. Let only fruit be in your diet from sweets – about 400 grams per day.

Second, drink more water even if you don’t feel like it. The volume of clean water must be increased by at least 0,5 liters, that is, plus what you drank before the cold. Thanks to this, a natural detox will occur in the body, and the blood will begin to cleanse itself of viruses and bacteria. It is useful to drink herbal teas without sugar. You can also cook fruit drinks with natural berries (but again without sugar). At the same time, make sure that the water is not hotter than 70 degrees, otherwise the vitamins of the fruits will not be preserved. “

Force yourself to eat soup and porridge

“Yes, when the temperature and feeling overwhelmed, many people lose their appetite. But food is also medicine. Boil secondary meat broths (when the broth after boiling the meat is drained, and then the soup is cooked in new water). So you get rid of cholesterol, which was formed in the rich broth, and of harmful additives that could be used to process meat in production.

Secondary broths do not lose their properties and contain extractives, which, in turn, increase the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to this, the toxins of viruses and bacteria are eliminated. And this is exactly what is needed to get well.

Even if you don’t feel like it, eat 300-400 ml of soup for lunch and dinner.

Focus on complex carbohydrates – cereals. A portion of porridge should be at least 200-250 grams. Eat as if you were healthy 3-4 times a day. Another rule for those who do not want to be sick for a long time. You should definitely have protein in your diet. The fact is that each immune cell is a protein, and viruses and bacteria are excreted from the body on carrier proteins. That is why, during ARVI, a sharp protein deficiency occurs in the body. It can be taken from meat, fish, poultry, cottage cheese or eggs. “

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