Cold sores increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Herpes is not only troublesome and unsightly. New research shows that infection with the Herpes simplex1 virus can have very serious health effects. One of them is the increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

Anyone who has ever suffered from cold sores knows these symptoms: burning, sometimes soreness, redness, where blisters form initially filled with serum and then pus.

If you’ve caught herpes once, unfortunately, it will keep coming back once in a while. All because of the Herpes simplex 1 virus, which stays in the body forever and activates from time to time, which results in unsightly eruptions.

However, recent research shows that cold sores can be more than a recurring cosmetic nightmare. Professor Hugo Lövheim from Umea University says that infection with the virus doubles the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. His team conducted a study of 3,432 people who were followed for over 11 years. It has been observed that among HSV1 carriers, Alzheimer’s disease occurs twice as often.

This is because the immune system is significantly lowered in the elderly. This in turn opens the way for the virus to enter the brain where it wreaks havoc.

Hugo Lövheim says this discovery could help prevent Alzheimer’s disease as it is an additional argument in favor of using grants to develop more effective therapies for HSV1.

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