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The autumn and winter period is traditionally conducive to infections of the upper respiratory tract, colds and flu. Very often, due to the similarity of symptoms, colds and flu are treated as one disease. Nevertheless, despite many similarities, cold and flu are two separate disease entities, differing in dynamics, course, duration, duration of treatment and the risk of complications.
Similarities and differences
- Etiological factor
Viruses are the causative agents in both diseases – in the case of influenza they are different types of influenza A, B or C viruses, and a cold can be caused by over 200 types of viruses, but most often it is the result of infection with rhinoviruses or enteroviruses.
Viral or maybe bacterial infection? Do a home test to find out.
- Course of illness
In most cases, both with colds and flu, the disease progresses rapidly. Symptoms appear on average after 48 hours – in both diseases, symptoms last for about 2-4 days, with a cold most often the disease lasts about a week, and in the case of flu, about 1-2 weeks. The course of the disease itself in a cold is mild and local symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection predominate, while in influenza the course may be mild to severe, with high intensity systemic symptoms in the foreground.
- fever – in flu, a characteristic symptom is high fever (above 38 ° C), which lasts on average 3-4 days, while in colds high fever is rarely observed – as a rule, the course is fever-free or low-fever is maintained
- headache – very rarely in a cold, while in the flu it is intense, strong, diffuse
- sore throat – it is most often the first and characteristic symptom of a cold, while it is rare in the case of flu
- generalized pain in muscles and joints – in severe flu, but rarely in colds
- rhinitis (runny nose) – the second characteristic symptom of a cold disease, a feeling of constant stuffy nose, the need to constantly clean the nose; while in flu, a runny nose occurs sporadically and is never as intense as in a cold
- sneezing – usually in colds, but sometimes in the flu
- cough – flu is dry and paroxysmal, while in colds it is wet and associated with the expectoration of the discharge from the back of the throat (ginger, which is part of the Ginger Lemon Bio Yogi Tea herbal tea, soothes coughs)
- weakness, exhaustion – in moderate colds, while in flu it is early and very severe and may last up to 2-3 weeks
Relationship with the season
Flu in our country is seasonal – from September to March; while a cold can catch us regardless of the season and is very often closely related to weather changes
- Complications
In a cold, complications are rarely observed, and most often otitis media or sinusitis may develop as a result of superinfection with bacteria; while in influenza, the risk of complications and their severity is much greater – the most common are: viral pneumonia, secondary bacterial pneumonia, and myocarditis.
- Treatment
In most cases of colds and flu, treatment is reduced to symptomatic treatment, i.e. reducing fever, headaches or muscle aches, sore throats, cough or runny nose; in the case of a cold, we usually treat ourselves and rarely go to a doctor for advice, while in the case of flu, we rather seek help in clinics. There is no causal treatment for a cold, but it is possible with flu – antiviral drugs are available for influenza viruses, but it is important to start them within 24 hours of falling ill. A long recovery period and bed rest is very important in the flu, as having the flu very often leads to complications. During treatment and taking medications, it is worth taking care of the condition of internal organs. Therefore, on Medonet Market you can now buy Lactibiane Immuno probiotics, the composition of which strengthens the intestinal barrier and counteracts the negative effects of antibiotic therapy. There are many over-the-counter medications for flu and cold symptoms. Before using them, it is recommended to consult a doctor or pharmacist. Below are some examples of drugs along with the cheapest offers we found:
- Paracetamol and Vitamin C Based Tablets (Compare Prices)
- Acetylsalicylic Acid Tablets (Compare Prices)
- Dietary supplement based on natural ingredients supporting the treatment of flu and colds in children (compare prices)
- Elderberry extract syrup for children over 3 years old (compare prices)
- Antipyretic and analgesic drug in sachets (compare prices)
- Preparation increasing resistance based on natural ingredients (compare prices)
- Prevention
To reduce the risk of catching the flu, you should get vaccinated – it is important that the vaccine protects you only for one flu season.
However, you can always reduce the risk of getting both flu and colds by leading a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, playing sports, not smoking, frequent airing and humidifying the air indoors, and increasing the natural vitamins in the diet in the winter and spring period. In case of cold or contact with the virus, it is worthwhile to drink warming teas prophylactically, such as Pukka Wild Apple & Cinnamon – apple tea with cinnamon and ginger.
Improve your immunity! Buy WIRUSTOP today – a herbal-fruit tea that supports the body in the fight against respiratory infections, and also has a preventive effect.
Text: Mirosław Jawień, MD, PhD
How to cure the flu – read more