Cold medications, or how to alleviate the symptoms of the disease

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Common cold is a viral disease that affects the respiratory tract, is mild and usually disappears after a week. Cold medications are designed to relieve symptoms such as rhinitis, sore throat, cough and fever. Home methods, including mouth rinses and a proper diet, are also effective in fighting bad mood.

Colds – basic information

It is a group of symptoms associated with inflammation of the nasal mucosa, sinuses and throat. Common colds are caused by viral infections and is a common disease among children. About half of the infections are caused by rhinoviruses, adenoviruses and coronaviruses. The symptoms of the disease are most severe for about 72 hours. In the first stage of colds, there are sore throats, runny nose and fever. Later, excess discharge is formed, which when thickened causes swelling and makes breathing difficult.

Colds are a common disease among children – the youngest can catch colds up to a dozen times a year. In turn, the elderly are much less affected in this way. Upper respiratory tract infections are most often observed in the fall and winter. The reasons are weakened immunity, more frequent contacts with infected people, lack of sleep and fatigue.

Colds – causes

When one of the cold viruses enters the body, it begins to multiply in the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract and thus causes the development of inflammation. It usually takes 2 days after the virus appears in the body and until the first symptoms of infection appear. Infectivity lasts for about 2 weeks.

Colds – diagnosis

In order to diagnose the disease, the doctor conducts an interview and physical examination. In most cases, this is enough, and it is not necessary for the patient to participate in laboratory or imaging tests, as long as the disease does not cause disturbing symptoms. The aim of the disease diagnosis is also to exclude other infectious diseases of the same course, e.g. influenza, allergic rhinitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Colds – symptoms

The first signs of a cold are fatigue and apathy. Soon there is a sore throat, runny nose, scratching and dry nose. Other symptoms of a cold are also:

  1. sore throat and sometimes hoarseness
  2. runny discharge from the nose with a watery consistency,
  3. runny nose,
  4. dry or wet cough
  5. fever or low-grade fever
  6. chills caused by elevated body temperature
  7. rhinitis,
  8. weakness,
  9. lack of appetite
  10. decline in activity.

Colds and flu

Compared to flu, a cold has a less dynamic onset and takes several days to develop. Colds are manifested by mild fever or low-grade fever, and are rarely accompanied by headache, which in turn is a symptom of flu. A cold affects the patient’s well-being to a lesser extent and does not weaken the body as much as the flu. A person with flu develops a fever quickly and is very hot from the outset.

The flu, unlike the common cold, is caused only by A, B and C viruses – the last two are the most dangerous and constantly mutate. For this reason, the body may catch the flu again, despite having had flu before. If the flu is not treated in a timely manner, it can combine with a bacterial infection. Flu is a sudden illness that makes it impossible to carry out daily activities.

How to cure a cold?

Treatment of colds consists in administering to the patient preparations that alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Antipyretics and painkillers are available in pharmacies. Sometimes cough suppressants or rhinitis relievers are also given. The treatment of colds is supported by preparations containing vitamin C, which strengthens the body and seals the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa.

Consult your doctor before treating colds – this is especially important if your child becomes ill. It is worth going to a pediatrician who will not only recognize the disease, but also establish a treatment plan. During recovery, keep your body hydrated, get plenty of rest and sleep. You should also take care of the room in which the patient is staying – the room must be aired and the air moistened.

It is recommended to exercise extreme caution when treating children with both prescription and over-the-counter preparations – in this case, care should be taken not to give the child an inappropriate dose. Remember that many adult cold medications are not recommended for children under 4 years of age. Moreover, even acetylsalicylic acid cannot be given to children under the age of 12.

What medications to use when treating a cold?

  1. Medications for runny nose and rhinitis. Sprays and nasal drops with oxymetazoline (Acatar, Nasivin, Oxalin) or xylometazoline (Otrivin, Sudafed, Xylogel, Xylometazolin) can be used for a short time. Topical preparations soothe irritation of the nasal mucosa. Saline or seawater solutions are also effective, e.g., Tetrisal, Rhinoton, and Marimer.
  2. Medicines for headache and fever – in case of headaches, paracetamol, which additionally has an antipyretic effect, will work well. The substance is available in preparations from various manufacturers, it is also a component of the popular Apap or Panadol. The alternative are non-steroidal drugs, including ibuprofen or aspirin – the latter must not be given to children.
  3. Cough medications – you may experience a dry or wet cough during a cold, but this should go away after a few days. Antitussive drugs are not very effective in colds, but you can reach for a syrup suitable for the type of cough that will soothe the accompanying sore throat or help with expectoration. It is also helpful to use herbal teas, eg Hibiscus – organic tea.
  4. Sore throat medications – rinses, lozenges and syrups are a way to soothe a sore throat and hoarseness in colds. Various types of tablets moisturize the throat mucosa and reduce swelling, and thanks to natural ingredients, they soothe pain. They often contain natural ingredients such as Icelandic lichen, marshmallow, sage, honey and vitamin C.

Before taking cold medications Please read the package leaflet and contraindications, as well as follow the dosage recommendations and do not combine different drugs containing the same active substances.

See also: Prenalen – nasal spray for pregnant women

What are home remedies for colds?

  1. Tea with ginger or raspberry juice – tea with one of these additives is a proven and natural remedy for colds. Raspberry juice is antipyretic, ginger has many anti-inflammatory substances. The ginger should be peeled beforehand, cut into thin slices and then poured over with boiling water – before drinking the infusion, it should be covered for about 15 minutes.
  2. Hot bath for colds – thanks to it you can slow down the growth of viruses. To make the bath even more pleasant, you can add a little eucalyptus oil or pine oil to the water. Thanks to them, steam will be created supporting the process of clearing the airways.
  3. Onion syrup – it’s a cheap and easy to prepare remedy for colds. Moreover, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. It is enough to cut the onion into slices, sprinkle with sugar and mix everything. Honey can be used instead of sugar. The syrup is rich in vitamin C and elements such as: silicon, zinc, magnesium and sulfur, which strengthen the immune system.
  4. Milk with garlic – Garlic acts as an antibiotic and does not need to be heat treated beforehand. It is enough to squeeze it into the heated milk and add a little honey, which will not only soften the taste of the drink, but also make it work more effectively. It is worth knowing that honey and garlic lose their valuable healing properties at high temperatures.
  5. Herbs – in the fight against colds, it is worth using herbs such as: marjoram, chamomile, thyme, sage, eucalyptus, linden, elderberry, parsley, coltsfoot or mullein. The main benefit of drinking decoctions and teas made from these herbs is their antipyretic effect. To prepare the stock, just pour a teaspoon of dried herbs into a cup, pour hot water over them and leave covered for 10 minutes until they brew. You can also buy a ready-made blend FOR THE LUNG – herbal tea, which is available on the Medonet Market.
  6. Throat rinses – unlike lozenges, they do not dry out the mucosa. At home, anyone can prepare a gargle with, for example, a few teaspoons of salt and warm water. The throat can also be rinsed with cooled sage infusion due to its disinfecting properties.
  7. Wraps – Applying compresses to the forehead or other hot area helps relieve a fever. You can use ice packs or a damp cloth for this, but don’t do it too early, before the pain starts. When the body temperature rises despite the use of compresses, it is advisable to consult a doctor – otherwise a cold may turn into a more serious disease.
  8. Hydrogen peroxide – can be used at an early stage of the disease or when you feel that you will catch a cold soon. The fluid can be dropped into the ears, because it is in the middle ear that the most bacteria that cause colds, including sore throats, multiply. Hydrogen peroxide and saline are also suitable for rinsing the sinuses.

Contrary to appearances, it is inadvisable to treat colds with alcohol. While mulled wine, grog, and vodka with pepper are widely believed to help fight infection, they may actually do the opposite. In addition, people with a cold should significantly reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, as it dehydrates the body for which this is an undesirable condition, especially during a cold.

Home-made methods to strengthen immunity should be supported with appropriate supplementation. Therefore, on Medonet Market you can now buy a set of dietary supplements for colds with oregano oil, turmeric extract and ginger. It is also worth using ginger-lemon teas, such as Ginger Lemon Bio Yogi Tea.

We also recommend freeze-dried raspberries by weight – they contain a high dose of vitamin C, strengthening the immune system.

Should you exercise during a cold?

Exercise during colds and flu puts a lot of strain on the body. A patient who does not give up training despite the disease increases the risk of dehydration, especially when he exercises vigorously and loses a lot of sweat. In addition, exercise can overheat and result in increased heart rate, nausea, vomiting, and even damage internal organs.

A doctor should give an opinion on whether to exercise during colds. However, there is an introductory test developed by Dr. Lewis G. Maharam that allows the patient to determine for themselves whether they can exercise or not. The scientist decided that people with symptoms of the disease from the neck up, i.e. sneezing, a slight runny nose, sore throat and headache, can exercise.

People with symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever, chills, cough, abdominal pain and enlarged lymph nodes should not exercise during a cold. Anyone who would like to exercise and have no opportunity to consult a doctor should look at their symptoms and use them to assess their health condition. It is worth observing the body constantly and when the disease begins to develop, immediately give up exercise and rest.

To judge whether your body can handle the effort or not, you need to listen carefully to it. Lack of strength and poor well-being are signs suggesting that you should give up physical activity after all – a cold lasts no more than 2 weeks and a short time of downtime will not make you lose the form you have developed so far. People who make the decision to exercise anyway should at least reduce the intensity of their training.

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