Cold in a child. Check how to deal with it?
Cold in a child. Check how to deal with it?

Usually everything starts very innocently, with a headache and a runny nose. Over time, subfebrile condition, sore throat, cough and general breakdown appear. The toddler becomes weak, more fussy and crying. What’s happening?

It’s probably a cold. In the winter and spring season, it is difficult to avoid it. Children attending nursery and kindergarten are the most vulnerable to virus attack. Although the common cold is nothing dangerous and usually does not require medical attention, it cannot be underestimated. If left untreated, it can turn into a more dangerous and more difficult to treat disease, such as bronchitis, ear infections, sinusitis or pneumonia. How to deal with a cold in a child?

Cold symptoms

Colds are caused by viruses, just like the flu. However, unlike the flu, the common cold is less dangerous and rarely causes complications. A characteristic symptom of the common cold is the gradual onset of symptoms. The common cold never comes on suddenly, unlike the flu, which attacks unexpectedly and knocks you off your feet within a few hours. The first symptom of a cold is an elevated body temperature, stuffy nose, sneezing and a runny nose. Later, there is a cough, a feeling of breakdown, sometimes a sore throat. In most children, symptoms of a cold may also include a lack of appetite and a decrease in activity. The toddler is more lethargic and shows no desire to play. A cold does not cause the sweating, chills or muscle aches that are typical of the flu. Symptoms usually last for about a week. If the infection lasts longer, consult a doctor as soon as possible, as this may indicate a bacterial infection or influenza.

Ways to raise the temperature

Fever is, contrary to appearances, a good symptom. It means that the child’s body is fighting viruses. It is standard that children develop a fever with viral infections. The older the child is, the lower the infection temperature is. As long as the temperature is not high, i.e. does not exceed 38 degrees Celsius, it is enough to provide the child with peace and create conditions for rest. You can also take care of cool compresses on the forehead. When the temperature rises significantly and exceeds 38 degrees, then you should reach for pharmacological agents. For young children, suppositories are the safest. They are quickly absorbed and have a long antipyretic effect. Older children can be given tablets or antipyretic syrup. You should also remember to give your child as much fluid as possible. Otherwise, dehydration may occur.

Ways for a runny nose

A runny nose is one of the most tiresome symptoms of a cold. At the beginning it is watery, and only after 3 days it thickens. If it changes color from transparent to green or yellow, it is a sign that there has been a bacterial infection. Very often, a runny nose is accompanied by a scratchy throat, sneezing and a stuffy nose. The child may also have a dull sense of taste and refuse to eat. In a runny nose, the most important thing is to clear the nose. The residual secretion can contribute to the development of inflammation in the ear. Therefore, it is worth systematically moisturizing the nose with sea water in the spray, which dilutes the secretion and facilitates its removal. In the case of infants, nasal drops designed for infants or young children can be used. But beware! Such drops should not be used for more than 7 days. You should also take care of frequent cleaning of the nose. While larger children can blow their nose on their own, infants should be extracted with an aspirator. Aromatic oils (camphor, menthol), which can be sprinkled on children’s pajamas, are also supportive in the fight against runny nose. A good solution are flavored patches, the vapors of which bring relief in breathing. It is also necessary to give the child a lot to drink, because proper hydration from the inside dilutes body fluids, including catarrhal secretions, and facilitates nasal cleansing. You should also take care of moisturizing the room where the child is staying. This will make it much easier for the baby to breathe and will not dry out the nasal mucosa.

Cough Remedies

In the fight against cough, the most important thing is to administer medicines adapted to the type of cough. With a dry cough, antitussive preparations are helpful, which inhibit the cough reflex so that it does not additionally irritate the bronchi. In the case of a wet cough, expectorant syrups are the best, which thin the secretion and make it easier to get rid of its excess. Inhalations are a proven home remedy for coughs. If the child is not allergic, it is worth performing them using aromatic oils. Toddlers and allergy sufferers are recommended inhalations with saline. Such inhalations can be performed up to several times a day. After each inhalation, it is good to pat the child’s back to make it easier for him to cough up. Just like with a runny nose, the room where the baby is staying should be moistened when coughing. This can be done with the help of special humidifiers or by hanging wet towels on the radiators. Of course, give your child plenty of fluids.

What instead of an antibiotic?

As you know, with a cold, i.e. a viral infection, antibiotic therapy is not needed or indicated. Antibiotics do not work against viruses, so there is no need to give them and thus weaken the child’s immunity. So what can be given? In addition to antipyretics (if necessary) and cough remedies, it is worth giving your child teas with natural raspberry juice or elderberry juice. A good solution is also tea with honey and lemon. Linden tea, which has a diaphoretic effect and is perfect for infections accompanied by increased body temperature, will be perfect. It will be perfect too cold syrup for children based on natural ingredients, such as Pelavo. It is worth reaching for it at the first symptoms of a cold. Pelavo products not only soothe the symptoms of infection, but also effectively support the body’s defenses thanks to the presence of vitamin C. In addition, Pelavo cold syrup for children contains a linden extract with a diaphoretic effect and a standardized extract of African geranium root, which supports the health of the respiratory tract. The safety of Pelavo ingredients has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies.

More on this subject here: 

How to strengthen the child’s immunity?

It is no secret that any infection disrupts the functioning of the child’s immune system and significantly weakens it. In order to protect your child from the next attack of viruses, it is necessary to strengthen his body’s immunity. How? Preferably by spending time with your child outdoors. It is worth going for walks with your toddler regardless of the weather. Staying in different weather conditions is conducive to the development of the baby’s thermoregulation mechanism. Just remember not to dress your baby too warmly so as not to overheat. A large role in strengthening children’s immunity is played by healthy sleep. In order for the child to sleep peacefully, his room should be ventilated and the air temperature should not exceed 18-19 ° C. A diet rich in vitamins A, C, E and D is helpful in building a child’s immunity. In the autumn and winter season, a greater amount of mega 3 fatty acids is recommended, the source of which are pumpkin seeds, sunflower and sesame seeds, as well as nuts, almonds and olive oil from olives. If your toddler is a fussy eater, you can help yourself with preparations containing the necessary vitamins. Pediatricians also recommend giving children preparations with zinc. This element affects the level of thymus hormones, thanks to which the immune system functions more efficiently.

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