Cold headache

Cold headache

Bed rest is a pleasant measure for colds, allowing you to watch movies and read your favorite books for days. This is the ideal. But in real life, such sick leave plans are usually hampered by headaches and other symptoms of a cold. Why does it arise and how to calm it down quickly?

Cold headache – a frequent occurrence, informing about the onset of the disease and accompanying it. In case of infectious diseases, such as colds, flu and other acute respiratory viral infections, various toxins affect the patient’s body, i.e. intoxication occurs, the consequence of which is a headache. A headache with a cold occurs simultaneously with other various signs of intoxication – fever, chills, aches, etc.

A headache with a cold is less intense than with a flu – in the latter case, the pain is localized on the forehead, temples, above the eyebrows, in the eye area. If the pain increases with bending, lifting, or coughing, you should see your doctor. Another alarming factor is the fever, which does not drop below 38 ° C for three days. The danger is that the headache or the fever that causes it may not be signs of a cold or flu, but of a more serious infection, such as meningococcus.

A headache with a cold is treated with antipyretic drugs or combined drugs for influenza and ARVI. There are also a number of home remedies available to help relieve pain without taking medication.

Folk remedies for headaches for colds

  • Menthol oil is a popular remedy for headaches that accompany colds, flu, or runny nose. Oil should be applied to the forehead, temples, as well as the back of the head and behind the ears.

  • Lemon – rub the pulp and peel and also lubricate the forehead and temples.

  • Elderberry – elderberry infusion (½ teaspoon per glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, drain), take half a glass 2 times a day.

  • Cinnamon – cinnamon infusion (1/8 tsp. For 1 tablespoon of hot water, sweeten, leave for half an hour), take 2 sips in an hour. For headaches with colds, lotions to the temples from unsweetened cinnamon infusion can also help. If the smell of cinnamon is unpleasant, you can kill it by adding 1 drop of mint or lavender oil to the broth.

  • Mustard – a mixture (1 tsp mustard powder, 1 tbsp honey) take 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day 2 hours after meals.

In order not to aggravate the course of a headache with a cold, observe bed rest, or at least reduce physical activity. Do not add tension by reading or watching TV. Use recommended antipyretics for illness and see your doctor if the pain gets worse to rule out complications.

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