Cointreau – orange liqueur that conquered the world

Cointreau is a clear 40% ABV liqueur made from the peel of sweet and bitter oranges, produced in the French province of Saint-Barthélemy d’Anjou. The drink has a characteristic citrus taste, floral and fruity aroma, can be served as an aperitif (alcohol before meals to increase appetite) and digestif (dessert alcohol). Cointreau is also included in many popular cocktails, for example, “B-52” and “Margarita”.

Historical information

Cointreau liqueur was invented in 1875 by confectioner brothers Adolphe and Edouard-Jean Cointreau. First, young people launched the production of Guignolet (Guignolet) liqueur from sweet and sour cherries, which is still popular in France. However, the success of Cointreau overshadowed all previous experiments: by the beginning of the First World War, more than 800 thousand bottles of liquor based on orange peel and sugar beet distillate were sold annually in the world. Today this figure is at least 13 million.

In 1989, the family business Cointreau & Cie SA merged with Remi Martin. Now all rights to the brand belong to the resulting merger of the company “Remi Cointreau”.

Cointreau – orange liqueur that conquered the world

Production technology

The recipe for the drink, the proportions and the exact production technology, of course, are kept secret, but anyone can go on a tour of the museum located at the enterprise and see in what conditions Cointreau is made.

It is known that bitter oranges are ordered from the Antilles, while sweet oranges arrive at the plant from France and Spain. The exact ratio of “sweetness” and “bitterness” is unknown. It is believed that at first the zest is insisted on beet alcohol, then the extract (tincture) is distilled twice in copper cubes, cutting off the “heads” and “tails”. The necessary sweetness and strength are “customized” with sugar and spring water. It is possible that the recipe also includes herbs, but no one knows which ones.

The rich taste of the liqueur is due not only to the rich variety of orange varieties used: oranges are harvested and processed in such a way as to preserve the maximum amount of essential oils in the fruits, which give the liqueur a special taste and aroma of fresh fruits.

Cointreau Noir

This type appeared after the merger of the companies: the original orange liqueur is mixed with Remy Martin cognac, getting a less sweet and more “brutal” drink.

Cointreau – orange liqueur that conquered the world
Cointreau Noir – cognac with orange liqueur

Advertising campaign

Cointreau was one of the first alcoholic beverages to be advertised with erotic and provocative imagery. Manufacturers did not spare money to pay for the services of the best designers, the work of the most popular actresses and models.

In 1898, an advertisement appeared that used the image of Pierrot – but not a sad and suffering buffoon, but a little drunk and quite content with life. At the beginning of the XNUMXst century, the mysterious and languid Dita von Teese, who was replaced by Letizia Casta a few years ago, became the face of the brand.

Fairy-tale heroes in shocking images – a very bold decision for the end of the XNUMXth century

Popularization of Cointreau is also facilitated by the shape of the bottle patented by the creators, which protects the drink from fakes, creating the image of “alcohol for the elite”. In the USA, a special version of Cointreau is distributed – in a bottle shaped like the Statue of Liberty, sprinkled with Swarovski crystals.

Cointreau – orange liqueur that conquered the world
Recognizable bottle from the creators of the drink

The brand’s slogan sounds like Be Cointreauversial! This is an untranslatable pun based on the name of the liquor – Cointreau – and the phrase be controversial – “be controversial.”

How to drink Cointreau

Due to its high strength, Cointreau whets the appetite and improves digestion, so it is often served at the beginning of a feast chilled to 4-6 ° C. At a higher serving temperature, the citrus aroma is too strong. It is better to pour the drink into ordinary liqueur glasses and drink in small sips. Those who want to reduce the strength dilute Cointreau with cold orange or grapefruit juice in any proportions.

Cointreau – orange liqueur that conquered the world
The right glass

You can throw a couple of ice cubes into the glass, then the liquid should become cloudy: this is a sure sign that you are holding a genuine brand with a high content of essential oils, and not a fake.

They also drink Cointreau after a hearty meal, snacking on a slice of lime or lemon to emphasize and shade the citrus bouquet.

Popular cocktails with Cointreau

  1. B-52. Pour 20 ml of coffee liqueur, cream liqueur and Cointreau into a shot glass in layers.
  2. Quanthropolitan is a variation of Cosmopolitan. For 2 parts of Cointreau, take 1 part of cranberry and lemon juice, mix everything in a shaker and pour into a glass.
  3. “White Lady”. Mix 20 ml lemon juice, 30 ml Cointreau and 40 ml gin in a shaker and serve in a martini glass.
  4. Kamikaze. 1 part lemon juice, 2 parts Cointreau, 4 parts vodka.
  5. Queen Mary. Equal parts Cointreau and cognac, you can add ice.
  6. Margarita. One part freshly squeezed lemon juice and Cointreau, two parts white tequila.
Cointreau – orange liqueur that conquered the world
Dita Von Teese for Cointreau
Cocktail “White Lady” – a classic recipe and proportions

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