Cognitive processes in a child – division and characteristics. Cognitive dysfunction

Cognitive processes are the basic functions that help us learn about reality, gain orientation in the environment, assimilate knowledge about the world around us and process the information obtained, and then bring it to the environment in the form of a reaction, which is our behavior.

The human mind does not learn about reality from data received from the sense organs, but actively maps and models the perceived object in some symbolic form of cognitive structures. Such structures are the accumulation of knowledge, and the mechanisms of their creation and modification are cognitive processes. The cognitive system of the mind is not an exclusively human domain, but rather a property of the nervous system, similar to the ability to cause muscle contractions and the movement of animals. It is known, however, that the development of the efficiency of cognitive processes in the animal world is radically different. Theoretically, emotions could also be considered as information processing processes belonging to some category of cognitive processes, but usually the emotional zone and the cognitive zone are treated separately.

Human cognitive processes – division and characteristics

Cognitive processes can be cataloged, classified and described in many ways, but it is widely accepted that cognitive processes can be divided into elementary and complex.

Elementary cognitive processes are a sequence of information processing closely related to receiving, interpreting and accumulating information. We distinguish between three categories: attention, perception and memory, while selected scientific sources also include cognitive control and executive functions as elementary cognitive processes.

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Complex cognitive processes are thinking and language. Thinking can be described as the mind’s ability to create a symbolic model of reality and to modify that model to replace real actions. For example, problem solving or abstraction are very narrow categories that fall within the definition of complex processes. The issue of language is an interdisciplinary issue, and language is here not only the domain of psychology, but also of linguistics, philology and philosophy. Language mediates understanding and describing the world around us, it makes up its mental image (the so-called linguistic image of the world) and can be developed (extended) practically throughout life.

The proper development of cognitive processes in a child should be taken care of by supporting his body with an appropriate diet. You can add to it, for example, EKO Bioherba Fragrance Unrefined Coconut Oil.

Cognitive processes of a preschool child

Cognitive processes are shaped in humans from an early age. The sense of sight and hearing plays a very important role in acquiring experience by a child. For this reason, cognitive functions should be exercised at the stage of early childhood. In preschool age, the close connection of cognitive processes with action is characteristic, as well as a particular susceptibility to external stimuli, which is the main factor that directs thinking. The child thinks in a concrete-imaginative and situational way, is unable to carry out a rudimentary analysis of the perceived object, and only notices common features that play a direct role in the activity currently performed by them. The attention of preschoolers is not permanent or divisible. A child often changes the subject of interest, moves from one activity to another, and his involuntary attention is focused on intense, strong and attractive stimuli. When free attention begins to develop in children, the time required to perform certain activities becomes longer and indicates that the child is more focused and has the ability to concentrate. The degree of concentration and ability to focus any attention depends on the individual characteristics of the child, e.g. temperament. Calm and phlegmatic children can concentrate more easily and longer on the performed activity, and energetic and mobile children usually have divisive attention and change their activity more often.

To support cognitive processes, give your child Omega Smart Kids Bioherba Oil for children, which supports the proper development of various systems of the children’s body.

Cognitive dysfunction in children

Cognitive impairment may appear in children, i.e. at a very young age, and may be caused by a variety of factors. They are divided according to cognitive processes. These are:

  1. Visual perception disorders. Symptoms: poor perceptiveness, inability to distinguish and extract details, poor association of visual observations (difficult orientation in a new environment).
  2. Auditory perception disorders. Symptoms: fatigue when listening to long fairy tales or short stories, trouble remembering and learning rhymes and songs, difficulty in exercising and playing rhythmically.
  3. Speech and thinking disorders. Symptoms: incorrect pronunciation, difficulties in associating facts and relationships of picture stories, riddles, rebuses.
  4. Emotional and emotional development disorders. Symptoms: inadequate reaction to situations, inability to control emotions, low independence, anxiety, sensitivity, impaired activity.

To support your child’s cognitive function, give them Bioherba Pumpkin Seed Oil.

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