Cognitive development of preschool children: features, means
Harmonious cognitive development of preschool children is designed to reveal the individuality of each child. Parents should not forget that their baby is unique. His thinking activity is different from the rest.
Cognitive development of preschool children
The baby begins to learn the surrounding reality immediately after birth. His brain begins to collect and analyze information. During the processing of knowledge, some of them are deleted, while others are accumulated.
Cognitive development of preschool children activates their thinking
The processing process takes place most intensively in preschoolers. At this age, the child learns to develop his own view of the world around him. He evaluates not only objects, but also people. He is able to approve of the actions and motives of others. Parents should make sure that the baby has the right outlook on life.
In the first year, it is important to provide the child with positive associations with the world. Don’t leave him alone. He needs a mother or someone to replace her temporarily. He needs vivid impressions. A change of environment encourages active thinking. Various landscapes for a walk, loud music and bright colors will interest the baby.
The main source of knowledge for children is play.
Upon reaching 3 years of age, the baby begins to form new skills and abilities. He should be given a little independence. He is interested in everything that happens around him. You should not hinder him from gaining new knowledge and sensations.
Tools for effective thinking
Parents can help their child improve their mental performance. To do this, it is worth taking a little time every day to provide him with new information or to consolidate the old one. During the walk, you should draw the baby’s interest in new objects and phenomena. He will gladly consider them.
Curiosity and interest are inherent in children. These funds help them grow up.
The source for obtaining new knowledge for the crumbs is speech. At the age of 7, he actively asks questions about everything that is not clear to him. Adults shouldn’t be annoyed. Better to be patient and answer the question in detail. This will help to form the child’s speech correctly. He will not only receive new information, but also remember more words. Adults should become a guideline for norms and values for a baby, given its peculiarities.
Toddlers show an active urge to learn new things. Parents should support this desire.