Cognac with lemon for weight loss – diet features

The fact that it would not be a sin to lose weight by the beach season, some women of fashion remember a couple of weeks before the holidays. The usual diet is unlikely to help here: too little time. It is impossible to declare a total hunger strike, completely refusing food, since it is difficult to work during fasting.

A good way out is a sports diet proposed by the most powerful woman on the planet, world champion in powerlifting Anna Kurkurina. She claims that many athletes resort to this effective remedy when they urgently need to lose weight before the competition. But due to the possible negative reaction of doctors, the method of using cognac and lemon for weight loss, until recently, was little known to the general public.

Description of cognac-lemon diet

The principle of the diet is simple: every evening for 14 days you need to drink 100 ml of cognac and eat one medium lemon (weighing 90–100 g).

Additional conditions:

  • you need good cognac, 3-5 stars. Low-grade fakes of effect will not give;
  • during the diet, fatty, fried, flour and sweet should be excluded, salty should be limited. Fruits, vegetable soups and salads seasoned with olive oil, boiled and steamed meat of dietary varieties (chicken, turkey, veal and beef), fish are welcome;
  • dinner must be no later than 18 hours;
  • lemon must first be washed with a brush, then scalded with boiling water. For people prone to allergic reactions, it is better to cut the zest;
  • lemon cannot be replaced with other acidic foods;
  • reception of cognac with lemon – from 22 to 23 hours. Every 5-10 minutes you need to drink a sip of cognac and eat a slice of lemon (without sugar or honey). If you drink cognac in one gulp, the diet will not bring the desired result;
  • lemon juice contributes to the thinning of tooth enamel, so after taking the remedy, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth;
  • after drinking cognac and eating a lemon, it is better to immediately lie down and fall asleep: alcohol stimulates the appetite, and in no case should you eat until morning;
  • during the diet, you need to drink up to 3 liters of still water daily;
  • at the end of the diet, it is advisable to refrain from drinking any alcoholic beverages for at least 2 weeks.
  • the diet is allowed to be repeated no more than once a year.

Adhering to a diet of cognac with lemon, you can lose 3–5 kg in two weeks, while the waist becomes 5–6 cm thinner.

Cognac with lemon for weight loss – diet features
With the right approach, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​of weight in 14 days

The principle of operation of the cognac-lemon diet

Entering the body, cognac and lemon act synergistically. Cognac protects the gastric mucosa from irritation that pure lemon juice can cause. Vitamin C, contained in lemon, not only promotes the speedy breakdown of fat, but also prevents a morning hangover.

The liver perceives cognac as a poison and is activated. While a person sleeps, the liver works and breaks down fats all night. In addition, cognac is a fairly strong deworming agent that destroys parasites, namely, parasitic invasion is considered one of the causes of cellulite. The drink accelerates the removal of toxins and stagnant (edematous) water from the body, so this method of getting rid of excess weight is called cognac drying.

Weight loss with a cognac-lemon diet occurs due to the burning of the most “harmful” fat, which lies in the abdomen, waist, hips and forms a bumpy “orange peel”. Fat is very light, as you can see by imagining the volume of 3 kilograms of fat. This explains the significant decrease in size with a relatively small loss of body weight.

Tips from Anna Kurkurina

Until the age of 40, Anna Kurkurina worked as a biology teacher. A sedentary lifestyle could not but affect the figure. A fat, loose (by her own admission) lady came to the fitness center to lose some weight. As a result, Anna took up powerlifting, developed an original weight loss technique and became one of the most popular fitness trainers in the world.

Cognac with lemon for weight loss – diet features
Anna Kurkurina – propagandist of the diet of lemon and cognac

In order for the effect of drying the body with cognac with lemon to be long-lasting, Anna Kurkurina advises:

  • diversify the diet with raw vegetables and fruits;
  • food rich in carbohydrates (bread, cereals, vegetables, fruits), eat mainly in the first half of the day, protein foods (meat, fish, eggs) – in the second;
  • have dinner no later than 18-19 pm;
  • jump rope every day for 15 minutes and spin the hoop for another quarter of an hour. The last exercise improves peristalsis, due to which toxins are removed more intensively;
  • daily walk up the stairs for at least half an hour. It is allowed to replace a real ladder with a bench 30-40 cm high. You need to alternately stand on it with one or the other foot. The exercise is convenient to perform while watching TV.


For two weeks, regularly drinking cognac for weight loss is an extreme option that is not suitable for everyone. For those who are addicted to alcohol or know about cases of alcoholism in their family, it is better not to risk it.

Cognac-lemon diet is strictly prohibited when:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder and pancreas;
  • diabetes;
  • liver disease;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • benign and malignant tumors.

The described technique is an effective, but subjecting the body to a serious diet. Not everyone can take cognac with lemon without health consequences. But other recommendations of Anna Kurkurina are designed for a mass audience. Performing simple exercises, it is easy to maintain your weight in the normal range.

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