Cognac production technology: 5 steps to exquisite alcohol

The technology by which genuine cognac is produced is a rather complex, multi-stage process, sometimes acquiring the features of true art.

Over the five hundred year history of this drink, a number of rules and canons have been formed, strictly observed by the modern descendants of many generations of old masters. Some of these rules are even reflected in today’s French law.

famous cognac brands

Pressing, fermentation and distillation

Cognac production technology, as a rule, involves the use of a special white grape variety Ugni Blanc.

With high acidity and a relatively slow ripening period, this grape is characterized by high yield and resistance to various diseases and pests.

Some small cognac enterprises use Colombard, Folle blanche and Montil for their needs.

However, these grape varieties, which give brighter, more aromatic and richer grape spirits, are extremely capricious and require careful care. Immediately after the grape harvest, which takes place in October, the grapes are sent to the wine press.

Only horizontal pneumatic presses are used here for squeezing juice, since the operation of these devices, unlike screw ones, does not lead to crushing of grape seeds.

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Next, the squeezed juice is fermented. This process takes approximately three weeks. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to add any sugar to the wort. As a result, a young, very sour wine is obtained, having a strength of 10 degrees, which is subjected to distillation.

The distillation of the resulting wine into alcohol is carried out in archaic, but not less effective, copper alambicas.

At this stage, the future cognac undergoes a double distillation. After the first distillation, raw alcohol with a strength of 27-32 degrees is obtained, which is subject to re-processing. It is at this moment that the fate of the future drink is decided, which entirely depends on the sophistication of the master distiller.

Re-distillation involves the competent isolation of the so-called middle alcohol fraction, the only one suitable for subsequent conversion into cognac. This part of the distillate, with a strength of 68-72 degrees, safely separated from the alcohol “head” and “tail”, eventually ends up in the famous cognac cellars of the French province of Charente.

Aging and blending

Carefully selected cognac spirits are aged in special handmade barrels made from the famous Limousin and lesser known Tronsey oak. At the same time, before filling with alcohol, the barrels are fired.

This is done to soften the wood in order to facilitate the process of interaction between alcohol and the container containing it.

The drink “ripens” in special cognac cellars. The aging period varies between two and seventy years. In principle, you can do this longer, but the quality of cognac will not be affected by further stay in the barrel.

During its confinement, the drink, with the inherent ease of grape spirits, absorbs the substances contained in oak wood, which gives it a characteristic color, taste and smell.

Interestingly, the parameters of cognac are also affected by the level of humidity maintained in the cellar.

The lower the humidity, the harder and more structured the drink becomes, the higher it is, the more rounded and softer the taste becomes.

Upon reaching the planned age, alcohol from the barrel is poured into large glass bottles, after which it is transferred to the part of the cellar called paradise. Here, the drink can be stored for an indefinite amount of time until required.

The blending method is used to create the majority of cognac brands produced on an industrial scale. In order to give the drink the stable qualities inherent in a particular brand, alcohols obtained from several grape harvests are mixed.

The aging period of such a blended drink is determined by the age of the youngest of the alcohols that make up its composition.

If, when creating cognac, alcohol obtained from the harvest of one year was used, then such a drink is called millesim. It is valued much more, but it is subject to much more careful state control.

At the end of the cognac manufacturing process, bottles with less demanding drinks go to supermarkets, specialized stores or duty free boutiques. The more respectable inhabitants of cognac cellars return to the local paradise, where they can painlessly wait for their buyer for centuries.

details about cognac and how to drink

Relevance: 26.09.2015

Tags: brandy and cognac

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