Cognac Ike: history, review, types, how to drink + distinguish a fake

Cognac “Hayk” belongs to the group of Armenian brandies, which are produced by the Yerevan Brandy Factory. The brand has been launched since 2001.

brandy cocktails

History in brief

The plant was built in 1887 by two entrepreneurs Nerses Tairov and Nikolai Shustov. The products were manufactured using French technology. YBC is the “visiting card” of Armenia and Yerevan.

In 1899, the enterprise was taken over by the N.L. Shustov and sons. The company becomes a cognac supplier to the court of His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II Alexandrovich.

In 1902, the YPC won the Grand Prix in Paris, which increased the popularity and fame of the plant.

In 1920, the nationalization of all wine and cognac production in Armenia was carried out. The Yerevan plant is one of the first to become the property of the state.

In 2001, the plant launched the production of cognac products under the brand name “Hayk”. For the production of a strong drink, the most modern technologies and the latest equipment are involved.

The raw material base for the production of a strong drink is only grape varieties of Armenia. Artesian water, which is extracted in the mountains of Armenia, adds a special taste.

Types of cognac Hayk

Brandy is made from cognac spirits, which are aged in oak barrels for at least 5 years. Due to long exposure, the drink acquires an unusual color and noble taste.

  1. 5 stars

    Cognac has a rich amber color. It has an elegant taste with notes of vanilla, chocolate and nuts, with an aftertaste of spices and oak bark.

    Serve this drink after a meal to improve digestion. Cognac has a harmonious strong taste with sweetish notes.

  2. 7 stars

    The drink has an amber color with a golden sheen.

    Intense taste with hints of caramel, almonds and a hint of bitter chocolate and vanilla.

    The aroma has notes of apricot and spices.

  3. 11 stars

    Cognac has an amber color with a copper sheen.

    Sweet taste with noticeable notes of pear, citrus and chocolate.

    The fragrant bouquet gives a special lightness to the taste of a strong drink.

How to distinguish a fake Ike

  1. The drink should be free of turbidity and precipitation.

  2. The label and container of the drink are of premium quality. There must be no defects on the label.

    At the bottom of the bottle there is an embossed inscription with the name of the brand. On the neck there is an indelible inscription with the date of production.

  3. Cognac has an elm structure, so when shaken, the liquid should drip down the sides of the bottle.

How and with what to drink Ike

Alcohol reveals its bouquet best when served properly. Amber liquid is poured into special glasses with a low leg and a thick bottom. And slowly sip this rich drink.

It harmonizes with grilled vegetables, meat dishes, cheese slices and a variety of desserts. Can be drunk on its own or used in cocktails.

Interesting Facts

  1. The name of the drink comes from the country in which it is produced. Armenia in Armenian is called Hayastan or the country of Hayk.

  2. Cognac Hayk 11 and 7 years old is based on one grape variety. Traditionally, Armenian cognacs exclude the possibility of combining several varieties.

what should be real cognac

Relevance: 30.01.2020

Tags: Brandy and Cognac, Brandy Brands

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