What’s the question
When buying cognac or brandy, you need to have an idea about their classification according to the aging period. Aging is an essential element in the cognac production chain, which largely determines the color, aroma and taste of the drink.
The French came up with a simple classification that will allow you to quickly understand what kind of drink is in front of you.
Since brandy is most often a blended drink, consisting of spirits of different aging years, it should be borne in mind that its age is determined by the youngest spirit in the blend.
famous cognac brands
French classification
In France, there is a five-stage gradation of aging categories, it is always indicated on the label.
V.S. (Very Special) – at least 2 years in oak barrels.
Cognacs of this category are characterized by aromas of ripe fruit, vanilla, floral nuances. Acquaintance with cognac should begin with this category.
V.S.O.P. (Very Superior Old Pale), или Reserve – at least 4 years.
The fruit profile becomes more refined, notes of dried fruits, chocolate and spices appear.
V.V.S.O.P. (Very Very Superior Old Pale) – exposure 5 years.
More dried fruits and spices appear in the aroma, flower aromas become more elegant..
XO (Extra Old), а также Extra, Napoleon, Royal, Tres Vieux, Vieille Reserve Braastad – at least 10 years from 2018 and at least 6 years if cognac was produced before that time.
Cognac acquires oiliness and becomes full-bodied, rich in notes of exotic fruits and spices, rancio is felt – a combination of aromas of cedar wood, tobacco, nuts.
X.X.O. (Extra Extra Old) – at least 14 years, the category appeared only in 2018.
What is the difference between cognacs, for example, VSOP categories from two different producers?
Many factors influence the taste and aromatic characteristics of cognac:
The varietal composition of the drink, the ratio of different grape varieties.
Area for growing grapes.
Various features of barrel production.
The experience and skill of the “master of distillation”.
Classification in Russia and the post-Soviet space
It should be clarified that Cognac is a protected denomination of origin and belongs to France. Neither in Armenia, nor in Russia, producers can call their products cognac. In fact, it’s illegal, but many do.
Brandy from the post-Soviet space can be divided into two groups:
Ordinary – drinks with an aging period of 3, 4 or 5 years.
Vintage – the age of brandy varies from 6 to 23 years.
Vintage brandies are categorized as:
K.V. (Cognac Aged) – from 6 to 8 years.
K.V.V.K. (Cognac Aged Top Quality) – from 8 to 10 years.
K.S. (Cognac Old) – from 10 to 12 years.
O.S. (Very Old) – 12 to 23 years old or longer.
When choosing a brandy, more attention should be paid not to the number of drawn stars, but to the composition, where the exact age of the blend is always indicated.
how to distinguish real cognac from a fake
Relevance: 23.06.2021
Tags: brandy and cognac