Coffee with lemon is gradually becoming a trend, its fans claim that this mixture helps with weight loss, soothes headaches, alleviates occasional diarrhea, and nourishes the skin. And that mixing coffee Cup with lemon juice has beneficial effects on our body. Is it really so?
Natural coffee is really useful: it reduces the risk of development of several types of cancer ( liver, prostate, breast, gastrointestinal tract and colon). Coffee consumption is also associated with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and liver, depression, and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Caffeine has a positive effect on exercise endurance and the ability to increase the calories you burn.
Vitamin C contained in the lemon and citrus is also associated with a reduced risk of cancer of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas and breast. Also vitamin C protects the immune system and helps fight infections.
Both coffee and lemon contain a lot of antioxidants. However, if the mixing of these two ingredients multiplies the properties of the drink? According to there are four main statements about the benefits of coffee with lemon.
1. Coffee with lemon helps to burn fat
Loosing weight is only possible because of a deficit of calories. It is impossible to lose weight without reducing calorie intake or increased caloric needs (e.g., due to sports).
However, recent studies have shown that caffeine can also stimulate metabolically active adipose tissue and, thus, to metabolize carbohydrates and fats. This means that one Cup of coffee a day may slightly speed up your metabolism and burn 79-150 extra calories a day.
The theoretical effect of weight loss, as you can see, is associated with caffeine and has nothing to do with lemons.

2. Coffee with lemon relieves headaches and hangovers
Some claim that caffeine has a vasoconstrictor effect, reducing the flow of blood to the head and thus relieves the pain. There are also studies that show that caffeine enhances the effect of painkillers.
But other studies put forward the hypothesis that this headache causes caffeine (as well as citrus and chocolate). Therefore, there are 2 choices: coffee with lemon will soothe or aggravate the pain. If we know our body, we know what effect can we expect from coffee. But again – this happens due to the caffeine itself, and not due to a combination of coffee and lemon.
3. Coffee with lemon eliminates diarrhea
There is no evidence that the lemon is useful in the treatment of diarrhoea, as coffee stimulates the colon, which only increases the need for using the toilet. In addition, diarrhea causes significant fluid loss that can lead to dehydration and diuretic effect of coffee will only aggravate the situation.
4. Coffee with lemon rejuvenates the skin
Studies show that the antioxidants in coffee and lemon can benefit your skin.
The contents of vitamin C in the lemon can stimulate the production of collagen, the protein that gives skin strength and elasticity, and reduces the damage caused by free radicals.
As you can see, there is no evidence that the combination of lemon with coffee is more effective than drinking the two drinks separately. It’s more a matter of taste, but not the necessary Union. And perhaps the most reasonable (and most delicious) the use of these products is to drink water with lemon in the morning and coffee around noon.
To learn the topic in more details watch the video below:
Risks of Adding Lemon to Coffee
Lemon juice can sometimes cause heartburn due to its high citric acid content, especially if you have a history of acid reflux. This acid can also damage tooth enamel over time and at high enough volumes. The combination of coffee and lemon is not particularly good for people with such problems and can even cause hyperacidity in those who do not normally suffer from it. So just drink black coffee and maybe eat a piece of fruit at the same time to ensure your vitamin intake.
But the biggest risk of adding lemon in coffee? – You will probably ruin a good cup of coffee.
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